Posts by rblain

August 2 | Broken Promises and a Destroyed Kingdom

Published by Comments Off on August 2 | Broken Promises and a Destroyed Kingdom

Today’s Reading: Read Zephaniah 1:1-7; 2:1-3; 3:9,12-17 Work together as a family to build a tower using whatever supplies you can find. (blocks, boxes, etc.)...

August 1 | Prophecy about the fall of the Assyrians

Published by Comments Off on August 1 | Prophecy about the fall of the Assyrians

Today’s Reading: Read Nahum 1; Nahum 2:2-6; Nahum 3:18-19 To understand today’s reading, we need to remember a couple of things we have read about.  ...

July 31 | Forgiveness

Published by Comments Off on July 31 | Forgiveness

Today’s Reading: Read II Kings 21:1-5; 7-15; 17-26; II Chronicles 33:10-25 Today we are jumping back into the story of the Israelites. Let’s see what...

July 30 | God Wants to Bless His People

Published by Comments Off on July 30 | God Wants to Bless His People

Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 64:8-12; Isaiah 65:8-9, 17-19; Isaiah 66:1-2 Grab some playdough and let’s create today! Give everyone in your family some playdough and...

July 29 | PROMISES

Published by Comments Off on July 29 | PROMISES

Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 59:1-2, 16-21; Isaiah 60:1-5,19-22; Isaiah 61:1-7; Isaiah 62:12; Isaiah 63:1-14 Start your time today with all the lights out. Make it...

July 28 | Week 30 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on July 28 | Week 30 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  Isaiah’s message to the people of Israel was filled with promises of a coming Messiah.  Spend some time today researching the timing...

July 27 | Waiting and Trusting

Published by Comments Off on July 27 | Waiting and Trusting

Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 54:9-10; Isaiah 55; Isaiah 56:1-8; Isaiah 58:11 Set a timer for two minutes and wait patiently for the timer to go...

July 26 | Hope for what is to come

Published by Comments Off on July 26 | Hope for what is to come

Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 51:1-6, 12-16; 52:7-10; Isaiah 53 As a family, take turns finishing this statement: “Tomorrow, I hope _________ happens.”  What are things...

July 25 | Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Published by Comments Off on July 25 | Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 46:8-11; Isaiah 48:12-19; Isaiah 49:8-13; Psalm 135 What is something that happened to you yesterday?  What is something that happened to...

July 24 | Who do you trust?

Published by Comments Off on July 24 | Who do you trust?

Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 43:1-21; Psalm 80 Do you know anyone with food allergies? Maybe they can’t drink milk or have gluten. If someone is...

July 23 | Who is God?

Published by Comments Off on July 23 | Who is God?

Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 40; Isaiah 41:8-10,13-14; Isaiah 42:1-13; Psalm 46 For today’s reading, you need something on which you can make a list. As...

July 22 | Honoring God’s Answered Prayers

Published by Comments Off on July 22 | Honoring God’s Answered Prayers

Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 38:1-8, 16-20; II Kings 20:1-20; II Chronicles 32:24-33 Think about a favorite gift you’ve ever received.  Share what the gift was...