Faith and Healing: David Carpenter’s Recovery from Partial Paralysis
Faith and Healing: David Carpenter’s Recovery from Partial Paralysis On February 20, David Carpenter’s life changed in an instant. What started as a normal night...
Read ArticleFaith and Healing: David Carpenter’s Recovery from Partial Paralysis On February 20, David Carpenter’s life changed in an instant. What started as a normal night...
Read ArticleAt our church, we’re passionate about sparking a disciple-making movement in Middle Tennessee and beyond. This year, we’ve had the joy of partnering with families to include their children in this mission. We firmly believe that the gospel is central to our lives, and that “Gospel First and Always” has no age limit (1 Timothy 4:12).
Read ArticleGenesis 6: As humanity's wickedness escalates, God decides to cleanse the earth with a flood, sparing only Noah, a righteous man, who is commanded to build an ark for his family and pairs of every living creature. Matthew 6: Jesus teaches on sincere practices of giving, praying, and fasting, emphasizing privacy in devotion and trust in God over material anxieties, culminating in the principle to seek God’s kingdom above all else. Ezra 6: Darius confirms Cyrus's decree to rebuild the temple; the construction is completed with Persian support and culminates in a joyful dedication and the Passover celebration by the returned exiles. Acts 6: The early church addresses internal disputes by appointing seven men to serve, ensuring the apostles can focus on teaching; Stephen, full of grace and power, performs wonders but faces accusations of blasphemy.
Read DevotionalGenesis 5: This chapter lists the genealogy from Adam to Noah, emphasizing the longevity of the pre-flood generations and highlighting Enoch's unique relationship with God, who "took him" rather than him experiencing death. Matthew 5: Jesus delivers the Sermon on the Mount, introducing the Beatitudes, teaching on the fulfillment of the Law, and providing new interpretations on issues like anger, lust, divorce, oaths, retaliation, and love for enemies, calling His followers to a higher standard of righteousness. Ezra 5: The rebuilding of the temple resumes under the prophetic encouragement of Haggai and Zechariah, despite inquiries and challenges from local governors, leading to an official investigation by King Darius about the legitimacy of the Jewish claims to rebuild. Acts 5: Ananias and Sapphira face divine judgment for lying to the Holy Spirit, the apostles perform many signs and wonders, face imprisonment and a council trial, but are miraculously freed and advised by Gamaliel to continue their ministry despite opposition, rejoicing in their suffering for Christ.
Read DevotionalGenesis 4: Cain, out of jealousy and anger, murders his brother Abel and is subsequently cursed by God to be a restless wanderer, leading to the beginnings of his lineage and the progression of human civilization through his descendants. Matthew 4: Jesus withstands Satan's temptations in the wilderness, begins His public ministry in Galilee by calling His first disciples and performing various miracles, drawing large crowds from across the region. Ezra 4: The rebuilding efforts of the Jewish exiles face opposition from local inhabitants and political intrigue, resulting in a halt to the construction of the temple until the reign of King Darius of Persia. Acts 4: Peter and John are arrested for healing a lame man and preaching about Jesus but stand firm before the Sanhedrin, leading to a prayer for boldness among the believers and a united community that shares everything in common.
Read DevotionalGenesis 3: The serpent deceives Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, leading to the fall of man, resulting in curses for the serpent, Eve, and Adam, and their eventual expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Matthew 3: John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus by preaching repentance, baptizing in the Jordan River, and ultimately baptizing Jesus, marking the commencement of Jesus' ministry with divine affirmation. Ezra 3: The returned exiles rebuild the altar and begin sacrifices despite their fears, celebrate the Festival of Booths, and lay the foundation of the temple amid mixed reactions of joy and weeping from the community. Acts 3: Peter heals a lame man at the temple gate, which astonishes the onlookers and provides Peter an opportunity to preach about Jesus' power and the necessity of repentance and faith in Him.
Read DevotionalGenesis 2: God completes His creation, resting on the seventh day, and forms man and woman, placing them in the Garden of Eden with a command not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Matthew 2: After the birth of Jesus, wise men visit from the East to worship Him, Herod seeks to kill Him leading to the holy family's flight to Egypt, and Herod's massacre of the infants in Bethlehem fulfills prophetic warnings. Ezra 2: The returned exiles from Babylon, led by Zerubbabel and other leaders, are listed by family and occupation, highlighting the communal effort to rebuild Jerusalem and restore the temple, with offerings made for the reconstruction. Acts 2: The Holy Spirit descends on the apostles at Pentecost, enabling them to speak in diverse tongues and preach boldly about Jesus, leading to the conversion and baptism of about three thousand people and the establishment of a communal, worshipful, and growing church.
Read DevotionalGenesis 1: God creates the heavens, the earth, and all living things in six days, declaring everything good and resting on the seventh. Matthew 1: The genealogy of Jesus traces His lineage from Abraham to David and through the exile to Joseph, culminating in the miraculous announcement of His birth to Mary. Ezra 1: King Cyrus of Persia issues a decree for the exiles of Judah to return and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, fulfilling God's promise through Jeremiah. Acts 1: Jesus ascends into heaven, commissioning His disciples to be His witnesses as they prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Read DevotionalAt our church, we’re passionate about sparking a disciple-making movement in Middle Tennessee and beyond. This year, we’ve had the joy of partnering with families to include their children in this mission. We firmly believe that the gospel is central to our lives, and that “Gospel First and Always” has no age limit (1 Timothy 4:12).
Read ArticleAt our church, we’re passionate about sparking a disciple-making movement in Middle Tennessee and beyond. This year, we’ve had the joy of partnering with families to include their children in this mission. We firmly believe that the gospel is central to our lives, and that “Gospel First and Always” has no age limit (1 Timothy 4:12).
Read ArticleGenerations on Mission: How Families Are Impacting Communities Together At our church, we’re passionate about sparking a disciple-making movement in Middle Tennessee and beyond. This...
Read ArticleThe Whole Family, The Whole Bible, The Whole Year A year ago, Jonathan and Lacey felt led to visit Brentwood Baptist, where they attended a...
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