Posts by rblain

February 13 | Moses in God’s Presence

Published by Comments Off on February 13 | Moses in God’s Presence

Today’s Reading: Read Exodus 33 When the Israelites worshiped a golden calf, God became angry.  He told Moses that the people could go to the...

February 12 | The Tabernacle and the Golden Calf

Published by Comments Off on February 12 | The Tabernacle and the Golden Calf

Today’s Reading: Read Exodus 29-32 As God established a system for the Israelites to draw near to him, he gave specific instructions for the tabernacle. ...

February 11 | Week 6 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on February 11 | Week 6 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  As you spend time with your family learning about the Israelites, the 10 commandments, sacrifices, and even the tabernacle, listen for open...

February 10 | The Tabernacle

Published by Comments Off on February 10 | The Tabernacle

Today’s Reading: Read Exodus 25:1-22 When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, people began to live lives that were separate from God.  Remember...

February 8 | The Ten Commandments

Published by Comments Off on February 8 | The Ten Commandments

Today’s Reading: Read Exodus 19:4-5; Exodus 20 “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and...


Published by Comments Off on February 7 | GOD PROVIDES IN A MIRACULOUS WAY!

Today’s Reading: Read Exodus 14, 16 It’s so exciting to think that after many years of being slaves, the Israelites were free!  They began their...

February 6 | The Plagues and the Passover

Published by Comments Off on February 6 | The Plagues and the Passover

Today’s Reading: Read Exodus 12-13 Every time Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh to ask him to let the Israelites go, Egypt would experience something...

February 4 | Week 5 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on February 4 | Week 5 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  Compare the life of Moses to the life of Jesus.  Moses is a representation in the Old Testament of what Jesus would...

February 3 | Moses is Called by God

Published by Comments Off on February 3 | Moses is Called by God

Today’s Reading: Read Exodus 3-4 Think about a lit birthday candle on a birthday cake.  How does the fire on the candle go away?  What...

February 2 | Moses is Born

Published by Comments Off on February 2 | Moses is Born

Today’s Reading: Read Exodus 2 In Exodus 2 we meet an Israelite family who had a baby boy in the time when the Pharoah had...