
June 24 | Faith

Today’s Reading: Read II Kings 5:1-15; II Kings 6:1-7; II Kings 6:8-17 Parents, before you read today you have a project!  Grab a white sheet...

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Daily Devotional
June 24, 2024

2 Kings 5:1-8:15

In 2 Kings 5-8, the prophet Elisha performs miracles, demonstrating God's power and mercy, such as healing Naaman's leprosy, multiplying a widow's oil, and reviving a child. These events underscore God's influence over life and nations, while interactions with kings reveal the interplay of divine prophecy and political power in Israel and surrounding regions.

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Daily Devotional
June 22, 2024

2 Kings 1-4

In 2 Kings 1-4, Elijah confronts King Ahaziah's idolatry, resulting in Ahaziah's death, while Elijah is subsequently taken into heaven in a whirlwind, passing his prophetic mantle to Elisha, who then performs several miracles, including purifying water and multiplying oil, demonstrating God's continued presence and power through His prophets.

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Daily Devotional
June 21, 2024

1 Kings 22; 2 Chronicles 18-20

In 1 Kings 22 and 2 Chronicles 18-20, the narratives describe King Ahab's fatal alliance with Jehoshaphat against Aram, where despite prophetic warnings, Ahab is killed in battle. Jehoshaphat, although rebuked for his alliance, leads Judah to a miraculous victory over a vast coalition, underscoring his reliance on divine guidance over military strategy.

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June 21 | God’s Power

Today’s Reading: Read II Chronicles 19:1; 8-11; II Chronicles 20:1-34 Have you ever heard the phrase, “you have to see it to believe it?”  What...

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Daily Devotional
June 20, 2024

1 Kings 20-21

In 1 Kings 20, King Ahab of Israel faces and ultimately defeats Ben-hadad of Aram through divine intervention, despite overwhelming odds. In 1 Kings 21, Ahab, influenced by Jezebel, unjustly seizes Naboth’s vineyard leading to Elijah prophesying Ahab's and Jezebel’s violent downfall as divine retribution for their actions.

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Daily Devotional
June 19, 2024

1 Kings 17-19

In 1 Kings 17-19, Elijah the prophet declares a drought in Israel as judgment against King Ahab's idolatry, and is miraculously sustained by ravens and a widow in Zarephath, whose son he later resurrects. After challenging and defeating the prophets of Baal in a dramatic confrontation on Mount Carmel, Elijah flees Jezebel's wrath, encountering God not in mighty phenomena but in a gentle whisper at Horeb, where he is commanded to anoint successors and informed of the 7,000 in Israel who remain faithful to God.

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