February 12 | The Tabernacle and the Golden Calf
Today’s Reading: Read Exodus 29-32 As God established a system for the Israelites to draw near to him, he gave specific instructions for the tabernacle. ...
Read ArticleToday’s Reading: Read Exodus 29-32 As God established a system for the Israelites to draw near to him, he gave specific instructions for the tabernacle. ...
Read ArticleExodus 29-32 provides comprehensive instructions for consecrating Aaron and his sons as priests through specific sacrifices, offerings, and rituals, alongside directives for constructing the incense altar, collecting atonement money, and creating the bronze basin, anointing oil, and sacred incense. It concludes with the narrative of the Israelites worshipping the golden calf, inciting God's wrath, which Moses intercedes to assuage.
Read DevotionalGOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY As you spend time with your family learning about the Israelites, the 10 commandments, sacrifices, and even the tabernacle, listen for open...
Read ArticleToday’s Reading: Read Exodus 25:1-22 When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, people began to live lives that were separate from God. Remember...
Read ArticleIn Exodus 25-28, God gives instructions for constructing the Ark of the Covenant, the tabernacle, altars, lampstand, furnishings and priestly garments, specifying materials and dimensions; the ephod, breastpiece, and other holy garments are to be made for Aaron and his sons to wear while ministering before the Lord in the tabernacle.
Read DevotionalIn Exodus 22-24, God gives additional laws to Moses regarding theft, property damage, social justice, and proper worship, as well as warnings against idolatry and mistreatment of foreigners. After the people agree to obey, Moses performs sacrifices and reads the Book of the Covenant before God appears in glory on Mount Sinai.
Read DevotionalToday’s Reading: Read Exodus 23:1-6; 12, 14-17; 24:12 In Genesis 15 we read about a special covenant relationship between God and Abraham. In Exodus, we...
Read ArticleToday’s Reading: Read Exodus 19:4-5; Exodus 20 “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and...
Read ArticleIn Exodus 19-21, God descends on Mount Sinai and gives the Ten Commandments, and other laws, to Moses and the Israelites, instructing them in proper worship and how to treat others justly. The people fearfully agree to follow God's law, which covers responsibilities to God, authorities, neighbors, and servants.
Read DevotionalToday’s Reading: Read Exodus 14, 16 It’s so exciting to think that after many years of being slaves, the Israelites were free! They began their...
Read ArticleIn Exodus 14-18, God miraculously parts the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to escape from Pharaoh's pursuing army, and then provides manna, quail, and water for the complaining Israelites during their wilderness wanderings. Moses also appoints additional judges to help him govern and settle disputes among the people.
Read DevotionalIn this episode of Sermon Notes, host Jay Strother and guest Brian Ball delve into the spiritual journey of walking in faith and the power of trusting God's promises, drawing parallels between the biblical exodus of the Israelites and contemporary challenges of faith.
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