Disciples Making Disciples
The Great Commission isn’t something that happens somewhere else. It begins when every believer takes seriously the imperative of Jesus to “make disciples of all...
Read ArticleThe Great Commission isn’t something that happens somewhere else. It begins when every believer takes seriously the imperative of Jesus to “make disciples of all...
Read ArticleAgain, words matter. The way we speak carefully, the way we pray confidently, and the way we fight for truth courageously are all evidence of...
Read ArticleTime reveals that we have difficulty valuing what truly matters. Authentic faith discerns priorities, develops patience even in suffering, and delights in the compassionate mercy...
Read ArticleOur passions and desires wage war within us. Authentic faith fights against worldly pride and division with grace-driven humility and repentance.
Read ArticleWords matter. Wisdom matters. We live in a world in which words are used for evil and there are lots of opinions but little wisdom....
Read ArticleWorks cannot save us but good works demonstrate authentic faith. Faith and works aren’t contradictory but supplementary. James is clear: faith without works is no...
Read ArticleAuthentic response to the gospel leads true believers to live out their faith in obedience to the Word of God. Spirit-powered and faith-fueled action is...
Read ArticleBelievers will face trials and temptations that will test our faith and our dependence on God. Enduring adversity not only grows our faith but it...
Read ArticleThrough God’s divine power and our knowledge of Him, He has given us everything we need for godliness. God calls us to make every effort...
Read ArticleHealthy relationships are not accidental, but instead require consistent investment. Even in the context of healthy and God-honoring relationships, we must live with intentional and...
Read ArticleMarriage is certainly a good thing to be pursued. But we must be careful not to make the status of marriage, or even marriage and...
Read ArticleWe often view relationships as a means to satisfy our personal wants, needs, and agendas. But through the example of marriage, God reminds us that...
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