

Jesus heals a desperate woman and restoring a dead girl to life both reverse the curse (death, pain in childbearing) and points to the resurrection.

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Jesus radically re-defines true relationships.  He re-creates the home and re-shapes our understanding of what it means to be part of a faith family.

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The identity and authority of Jesus are validated.  Jesus demonstrated authority and power over all circumstances and entities.

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Growing the Leaders We Need

As a church, we are called to pass on the gospel intentionally through disciple-making with leaders – authentic mentoring and leadership development.  We must be...

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Called Out By Name

God tells Moses exactly who is to construct the Tabernacle.  God uniquely calls and places gifts in the church to accomplish His plan.

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We Can Know…Peace

In a world of noise and uncertainty the incarnation of Christ ushers in the arrival of true and lasting peace. The arrival of Jesus was...

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We Can Know…Hope

Ironically, the holidays give us very little time to rest and relax. However, when we do find rare moments of quiet reflection, it’s easy to...

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We can Know…Confidence

Instead of finishing the year on a strong note, many of us often slide into the Christmas season fatigued and overwhelmed. We are battered, bruised...

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