Finding Our Way with Sexuality
All humans are born into sin. All humans are born sexually broken. God’s design, however, is for sexuality to be expressed in marriage between one...
Read ArticleAll humans are born into sin. All humans are born sexually broken. God’s design, however, is for sexuality to be expressed in marriage between one...
Read ArticleCulture continues to try to redefine a “true” man, woman, and everything in between. The Bible is clear. The issue is about who we believe...
Read ArticleHow is a follower of Jesus supposed to respond to a non-Christian government? What is our position on submitting to immoral authorities? The purpose of...
Read ArticleThe Gospel of Jesus doesn’t just “suggest” reconciliation, it is reconciliation. The human with God and the human with other humans. This sermon aims at...
Read ArticleThe world continues to lose its way regarding race relations. By looking at how everything will unfold in the end, this sermon will challenge our...
Read ArticleIn a world where the cross was foolishness, Jews looked for wisdom, and Gentiles looked for signs Paul reminded his hearers what was ultimate: Christ...
Read ArticleHeaven and earth, now separated, will be merged in the glorious and final consummation of God’s plan. In the ultimate story, we won’t go “up”...
Read Article“Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no...
Read Article“Nothing impure will ever enter, nor will anyone who does what is shameful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of...
Read ArticleJudging by what’s said at most funerals, you’d think everyone is going to heaven. One of our greatest dangers is to assume that heaven is...
Read ArticleSatan is enraged that God has entitled us to the home that he was kicked out of (Is. 14:12-15). Knowing that God has set eternity...
Read ArticleThe most quoted verse on heaven is perhaps 1 Cor. 2:9: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has...
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