
Father, Forgive Them

Sin is deadly. Grace is not cheap. Jesus is both God’s message and God’s messenger. On the cross, all the sin in the world was...

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Father, Forgive Them

Sin is deadly. Grace is not cheap. Jesus is both God’s message and God’s messenger. On the cross, all the sin in the world was...

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Father Forgive Them

Sin is deadly. Grace is not cheap. Jesus is both God’s message and God’s messenger. On the cross, all the sin in the world was...

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The Once and Future King

The angel tells Mary not just that she will bear a holy Child but that he will sit on the throne of his father David and that the reign of his kingdom will have no end (Luke 1:32-33). Jesus wasn’t born in some safe and sanitized holiday scene, but in a war zone in which He died with a sign over his head which read, “King of the Jews.”

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