
We Can Know…Hope

Ironically, the holidays give us very little time to rest and relax. However, when we do find rare moments of quiet reflection, it’s easy to...

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We Can Know…Hope

Ironically, the holidays give us very little time to rest and relax. However, when we do find rare moments of quiet reflection, it’s easy to...

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We can know…Hope

Ironically, the holidays give us very little time to rest and relax. However, when we do find rare moments of quiet reflection, it’s easy to...

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Gospel Transformation

Gospel transformation happens as we become disciple makers with Jesus who invite the lost and searching alongside us to become disciple-makers themselves. Just as we...

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Gospel Transformation

Gospel transformation happens as we become disciple-makers with Jesus who invite the lost and searching alongside of us to become disciple-makers themselves.  Just as we...

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Gospel Transformations

Gospel transformation happens as we become disciple makers with Jesus who invite the lost and searching alongside us to become disciple-makers themselves. Just as we...

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Make Every Effort

Through God’s divine power and our knowledge of Him, He has given us everything we need for godliness. God calls us to make every effort...

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