Posts by rblain

February 25 | Week 8 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on February 25 | Week 8 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  *We learned a lot about the word “HOLY” this week.  Talk about what that word means (set apart).  Read Romans 3:11 and...

February 24 | Choosing the Priests

Published by Comments Off on February 24 | Choosing the Priests

Today’s Reading: Read Numbers 3:1-9; 4:46-50 In Leviticus 8:1-14, we learned all about the requirements for being a priest. Now as the Israelites are about...

February 23 | The Journey Begins

Published by Comments Off on February 23 | The Journey Begins

Today’s Reading: Read Numbers 1:1-4; 17-19;51-54; 2:34 2 years after leaving Egypt, the Israelites were finally ready to officially begin their journey to the Promised...

February 22 | Holy Days

Published by Comments Off on February 22 | Holy Days

Today’s Reading: Read Leviticus 19:1,36-37 Celebrating is a lot of fun, isn’t it?  What’s your favorite holiday? Spend some time sharing with your family what...

February 21 | God Requires Holy Living

Published by Comments Off on February 21 | God Requires Holy Living

Today’s Reading: Read Leviticus 19:1,36-37 “…I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt. 37 Keep all my statutes...

February 20 | The Day of Atonement

Published by Comments Off on February 20 | The Day of Atonement

Today’s Reading: Read Leviticus 16 Parents- can you think of a mistake you made as a child?  How about you, kids?   Have you ever made...

February 19 | What’s Different?

Published by Comments Off on February 19 | What’s Different?

Today’s Reading: Read Leviticus 11:1; Leviticus 11:45 Let’s play a guessing game.  From this list choose the one thing that is different than the others:...

February 18 | Week 7 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on February 18 | Week 7 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  How is Jesus the ultimate sacrifice for us?  Read Hebrews 7:27 and talk about how Jesus’ sacrifice was done once and for...

February 17 | Aaron and His Sons Become Priests

Published by Comments Off on February 17 | Aaron and His Sons Become Priests

Today’s Reading: Read Leviticus 8:1-14 God chose men from the tribe of Levi to be the Priests.  Levi was one of Jacob (Israel’s)’s sons and...

February 16 | Offerings

Published by Comments Off on February 16 | Offerings

Today’s Reading: Read Leviticus 6:8-7:10 God gave different instructions for offerings based on what the purpose of the offering was- a burnt offering, grain offering,...

February 15 | The Law

Published by Comments Off on February 15 | The Law

Today’s Reading: Read Leviticus 1 On Mt Sinai, God had given the Israelites some specific instructions for how to live in a way that showed...

February 14 | Completion of the Tabernacle

Published by Comments Off on February 14 | Completion of the Tabernacle

Today’s Reading: Read Exodus 40:1-16 Grab some legos or some building blocks.  Choose one of your family members to be the “caller.”  The “caller” will...