Posts by rblain

March 11 | A Prophet is Coming

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Today’s Reading: Read Deuteronomy 18:15-19 Have you ever played the “telephone game?”  Have someone in your family whisper something in the ear of another family...

March 10 | Week 10 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

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GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  Read Psalm 103:2  Talk about remembering the “benefits” of the Lord.  What has he done for you?  This is a great opportunity...

March 9 | Remembering to Worship the One True God

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Today’s Reading: Read Deuteronomy 12:1-6 The Israelites are about to enter Canaan.  Remember we found out that the people who were living in Canaan at...

March 8 | Remembering the Lord

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Today’s Reading: Read Deuteronomy 8 Before you begin your reading today, take some time discussing how everyone’s day was today! What were the highs and...

March 7 | Remembering The Commandments

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Today’s Reading: Read Deuteronomy 4:1-2; Deuteronomy 5:1-21; Deuteronomy 6:4-8 All of the things that God taught the Israelites through Moses were for a purpose- his...

March 6 | Remembering How They Got to Canaan

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Today’s Reading: Read Deuteronomy 1:1-8; 1:19-38; Deuteronomy 2:7; 3:21-22 The group of Israelites we will read about in Deuteronomy who are ready to enter Canaan...

March 5 | Remembering Where They’ve Been

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Today’s Reading: Read Numbers 33:2-48; Numbers 33:50-55 Sometimes it is good to look back and see all that God has done for us in our...

March 4 | Reminders for the Israelites

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Today’s Reading: Read Numbers 29:39-40; 31:1-6 The Israelites about to enter Canaan were not the same people who left Egypt.  Remember, it had been 40...

March 3 | Week 9 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

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GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  Read John 3:14-17.  Jesus uses the story of Moses and the snake to explain how God is going to use Him in...

March 2 | Entering the Land and a New Leader

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Today’s Reading: Read Numbers 26:52-56; Numbers 27:12; 15-17; 27:18-23 40 years have passed, and it is time for the Israelites to enter the land.  God...

March 1 | Snakes!

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Today’s Reading: Read Numbers 21:4-8 Today before you begin reading, you are going to take your family on an adventure.  Pick one person to be...

February 29 | Moses Disobeys

Published by Comments Off on February 29 | Moses Disobeys

Today’s Reading: Read Numbers 13:1; 13:17-20; Numbers 14:6-9; Numbers 14:20-24 Have you ever been really thirsty?  Try eating a couple of crackers but don’t drink...