Posts by rblain

May 9 | David TRUSTED

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Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 26, Psalm 40, Psalm 61; Psalm 62:1 We have read a lot about David’s struggles, haven’t we?  Can you remember some...

May 8 | David’s Journey back to the Throne

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Today’s Reading: Read 2 Samuel 16:5-8; 17:12; 18:6-8; 18:27-33 Sometimes when we have bad days, we think, “It couldn’t get any worse!”  Unfortunately, David’s troubles...

May 7 | David finds PEACE 

Published by Comments Off on May 7 | David finds PEACE 

Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 3-4; Psalm 55:1,22 Have you ever had a bad day?  Some days it can feel like nothing is going our way,...

May 6 | Sin’s Effect!

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Today’s Reading: Read 2 Samuel 13:21; 13:30-31,33-34,37; 2 Samuel 15:5-6, 13-14,30 Do you remember how we defined the word, “SIN”?  Sin is doing something that...

May 5 | Week 18 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

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GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  Romans 3:23 tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 6:23 tells us that the...

May 4 | David’s Testimony

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Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 32 Have you ever had good news that you couldn’t wait to tell someone else?  What was it? (Give a chance...

May 3 | David Asks for Forgiveness

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Today’s Reading: Read 2 Samuel 12:13; Psalm 51 Draw a heart on a dry erase board and color it in. As you read today, set...

May 2 | David Sins Against God

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Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 65:1-4; Psalm 66; Psalm 69:1-5,13-18 Share a time when you forgave someone or they forgave you.  Talk about how the process...

May 1 | Another Look at David’s Journal

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Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 20, Psalm 53; Psalm 60 Remember how we looked inside David’s journal a couple of weeks ago?  David wrote a lot...

April 30 | David Successfully Reigns

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Today’s Reading: Read 2 Samuel 8:15; 2 Samuel 9; I Chronicles 18:14 “David reigned over all Israel, administering justice and righteousness for all his people”...

April 29 | God’s Covenant with David

Published by Comments Off on April 29 | God’s Covenant with David

Today’s Reading: Read 2 Samuel 7; I Chronicles 17; Psalm 127:1; Psalm 1 Grab some Legos or Lincoln Logs.  Work together to build a house. ...

April 28 | Week 17 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on April 28 | Week 17 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  Read 2 Corinthians 9:15. Of all the things we talked about being thankful for this week, this verse reminds us of the...