Posts by bboyd

1 Samuel 25-27; Psalms 17, 73

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In 1 Samuel 25-27, David demonstrates wisdom and restraint in conflicts with Nabal and Saul, and seeks refuge among the Philistines to escape Saul's pursuit. Psalms 17 and 73 echo themes of seeking God's protection and wrestling with the prosperity of the wicked, ultimately reaffirming faith in God's righteous judgment and providence.

From Priests to Kings: Navigating God’s Truth Through 1 Samuel

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In this thought-provoking episode of Sermon Notes, host Jay Strother and guest Brian Ball delve deep into the pivotal transition of Israel into a nation under a king.

Psalms 56; 120; 140-142

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In Psalms 56, 120, & 140-142, David expresses his trust in God's protection amidst fear, lies, and violent persecution, seeking deliverance and justice. He emphasizes the power of prayer, his reliance on God's faithfulness, and the moral distinction between the righteous and the wicked, affirming his commitment to God's path even in the face of adversity.

Psalms 7; 27; 31; 34; 52

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In Psalms 7, 27, 31, 34, and 52, David seeks refuge in God amidst persecution, expressing trust and confidence in God's protection and justice. He pleads for deliverance from his enemies, celebrates God's faithfulness and righteous judgment, and encourages the righteous to maintain their faith and integrity, confident that God will ultimately vindicate them and punish the wicked.

1 Samuel 21-24; Psalm 91

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In 1 Samuel 21-24, David sought refuge with Ahimelech the priest in Nob, receiving consecrated bread and Goliath's sword. Fleeing to Gath, he feigned madness before King Achish. Later, David spared Saul's life in a cave, exemplifying mercy amidst pursuit. Psalm 91 emphasizes trust in God's protection amidst peril.

1 Samuel 17-20; Psalm 59

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In 1 Samuel 17-20, The Philistines and Israelites prepare for battle, and David, a shepherd boy, volunteers to fight the giant Goliath and defeats him. Jonathan, Saul's son, forms a close bond with David, who becomes successful in Saul's service. Saul becomes jealous of David's popularity and attempts to kill him multiple times. In Psalm 59, David praises God for being his stronghold amidst adversity.

1 Samuel 13-16

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In 1 Samuel 13-16, Saul's reign begins with initial victories against the Philistines but quickly turns sour due to his impatience and disobedience to God's commands, leading to his rejection as king in favor of David, whom Samuel anoints as Saul's successor.

1 Samuel 9-12

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In 1 Samuel 9-12, Saul, anointed as king by Samuel, goes through a series of events that confirm his kingship. Despite initial doubts and challenges, Saul is accepted as king, leading to a period of rejoicing and the beginning of his reign over Israel, as Samuel delivers a final public speech emphasizing the importance of obedience to God.

The Unexpected Heroes of Judges and Ruth’s Unwavering Faith

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In this episode of Sermon Notes, Jay Strother and Brian Ball delve into the essence of Easter, then unpack the rich stories in the books of Judges and Ruth.

1 Samuel 4-8

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In 1 Samuel 4-8, the Philistines capture the ark of the Lord after defeating Israel in battle, leading to calamity and divine judgment upon them. The ark eventually returns to Israel, and Samuel leads the nation, but the people demand a king, prompting warnings of the consequences of monarchy from both Samuel and the Lord.

1 Samuel 1-3

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In 1 Samuel 1-3, Hannah's fervent prayer for a child is answered with the birth of Samuel, whom she dedicates to the Lord. Samuel's early life unfolds in the presence of Eli, marked by divine callings and prophetic visions amidst the corruption of Eli's sons.

Ruth 1-4

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In Ruth 1-4, Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz navigate loss, loyalty, and love amidst challenging circumstances. Ruth's unwavering devotion to Naomi leads to unexpected blessings, culminating in her marriage to Boaz and the birth of their son Obed, who becomes an ancestor of King David.