
Daily Devotional
November 5, 2024

Matthew 27:1-31; Mark 15:1-20; Luke 23:1-25; John 18:28-19:16

In the early morning, Jesus is handed over to Pilate by the Jewish leaders, leading to a series of political and moral trials where Pilate finds no fault in Him, but under pressure from the crowd, opts to release Barabbas and condemn Jesus to crucifixion. Meanwhile, Judas, overwhelmed by remorse for betraying Jesus, returns the silver and takes his own life, and the money is used to buy a potter's field, fulfilling prophecy.

Read Devotional
Daily Devotional
November 4, 2024

Matthew 26:36-75; Mark 14:32-72; Luke 22:39-71; John 18:1-27

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus feels immense sorrow and prays for the cup of suffering to pass, yet submits to God's will, while His disciples struggle to stay awake despite His request for vigilance. As Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested, He faces initial trials where He confirms His identity as the Messiah, leading to Peter's denial of Him, fulfilling Jesus' prediction of Peter's denial before the rooster crows.

Read Devotional
Daily Devotional
November 2, 2024

John 14-17

Jesus reassures His disciples, promising the Holy Spirit as a helper and affirming Himself as the way to the Father, emphasizing the importance of faith and obedience. He comforts them about His departure with the promise of peace, urging them to remain steadfast and connected to Him and the Father.

Read Devotional
Daily Devotional
November 1, 2024

Matthew 26:1-5, 14-35; Mark 14:1-2, 10-31; Luke 22:1-38; John 13

Jesus foretells His betrayal and crucifixion as the plot to arrest and kill Him unfolds, with Judas Iscariot conspiring with the chief priests and receiving thirty pieces of silver to betray Jesus. During the Passover meal, Jesus initiates the Lord's Supper, symbolically offering bread and wine as His body and blood, establishing a new covenant for the forgiveness of sins. He predicts Peter’s denial, expressing the imminent scattering and testing of His disciples, yet assures them of His resurrection and future reunion.

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