April 24 | TOGETHER
Today’s Reading: Read 2 Samuel 5:1-10; I Chronicles 11:3; I Chronicles 12:38-40; Psalm 133 It was finally time! ALL of Israel decided it was time...
Read ArticleToday’s Reading: Read 2 Samuel 5:1-10; I Chronicles 11:3; I Chronicles 12:38-40; Psalm 133 It was finally time! ALL of Israel decided it was time...
Read ArticleIn 2 Samuel 5:1-10 and 1 Chronicles 11-12, David is anointed king over Israel, capturing Jerusalem from the Jebusites to establish it as his capital, symbolizing a united kingdom under his rule. His leadership is further illustrated in Psalm 133, emphasizing the beauty and blessing of unity among the people, as David's reign brings about a harmonious and prosperous era for Israel.
Read DevotionalIn 1 Chronicles 7-9, the genealogies of the tribes of Israel are meticulously recorded, highlighting the descendants of Issachar, Benjamin, Naphtali, Manasseh, Ephraim, Asher, and key Levite families, underscoring their roles as warriors, leaders, and religious officials. These chapters detail their settlements, military capabilities, and the religious duties assigned to the Levites, demonstrating the organizational structure and spiritual dedication that underpinned Israelite society.
Read DevotionalIn our latest episode of Sermon Notes, we delve deep into the chronological Bible reading journey across all Brentwood campuses, currently centered on the narrative of 2 Samuel.
Read ArticleToday’s Reading: Read I Chronicles 7-9; Psalm 93 Parents, in today’s reading you will find that I Chronicles 7-9 is a genealogy list. Explore the...
Read ArticleIn Psalms 81, 88, 92, and 93, the collection reflects a spectrum of spiritual expressions, from the call to obedience and trust in God’s provision in Psalm 81, to the desperate pleas of Psalm 88 which contrasts starkly with the joyous praise and acknowledgment of God's enduring righteousness and majesty in Psalms 92 and 93. These psalms capture the essence of human emotion in relation to divine interaction.
Read DevotionalToday’s Reading: Read Psalm 92 Can you think of a special day that we celebrate when we thank God for all that He has done...
Read ArticleGOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY In this week’s readings, we were reminded of the history of the Israelites. What is your spiritual heritage? Parents, spend some time...
Read Article1 Chronicles 6 provides a detailed genealogy of the Levites, tracing the lineage of Aaron and the priests as well as the cities and towns assigned to the various Levite families throughout the land of Israel, and describing their roles and responsibilities. Psalms 36, 39, and 77-78 delve into the contrasts of wickedness and God's love, putting trust in God, and reflections on lessons learned by Israel.
Read DevotionalToday’s Reading: Read Psalm 78 Today we’re going on a scavenger hunt. Ever been on one? We’re going to look at the list below and...
Read ArticleVacation Bible School, VBS, at Brentwood Baptist is more than just a week of fun for children; it’s a profound opportunity for young hearts to...
Read Article1 Chronicles 3-5 traces the lineages of Israel's kings and prominent figures, detailing descendants of David, Judah, Simeon, Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh, including their settlements, military actions, and eventual exile by the Assyrians.
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