
Daily Devotional
April 17, 2024

1 Chronicles 1-2; Psalms 43-44

In 1 Chronicles 1-2, the genealogies trace the descendants of Adam to Abraham and his sons, including Edom and Israel, providing a comprehensive account of the nation's origins. In Psalms 43-44, the psalmists cry out to God for vindication, recounting Israel's history of God's deliverance and their current state of oppression, and pleading for the Lord to rise up and redeem his people.

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April 17 | Looking Back

Today’s Reading: Read I Chronicles 1-6; Psalm 44:1-10, 17-18, 26 (Today’s reading from 1 Chronicles includes a long list of genealogy.  As a family, look...

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Daily Devotional
April 16, 2024

Psalms 6; 9; 10; 14; 16; 21

In Psalms 6, 9, 10, 14, 16, and 21, David cries out to God for mercy, deliverance, and justice, expressing confidence in the Lord's strength, sovereignty, and ability to defeat the wicked and restore his people. David praises God's righteousness, counseling, and victory, even as he laments the depravity of humanity and pleads for the Lord to rise up against oppressors.

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Daily Devotional
April 15, 2024

2 Samuel 1-4

In 2 Samuel 1-4, David mourns the death of Saul and Jonathan, and he has the Amalekite who claims to have killed Saul executed. There is a civil war between the house of Saul, led by Ish-bosheth, and the house of David, until Ish-bosheth is assassinated and David becomes king over all Israel.

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