Posts Tagged 2024 Bible Reading

Daily Devotional
January 11, 2024

Genesis 20-23

In Genesis 20-23, Abraham's misrepresentation of Sarah leads to a divine intervention with King Abimelech; Isaac is born to Sarah, Hagar and Ishmael are sent away, and Abraham's faith is tested with Isaac's near sacrifice. The chapters conclude with Sarah's death and Abraham's purchase of the Machpelah burial site.

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Daily Devotional
January 10, 2024

Genesis 17-19

In Genesis 17-19, God reaffirms His covenant with Abraham, changing his name from Abram and instituting circumcision as a sign of the covenant. The narrative then shifts to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah due to their wickedness, with Lot and his daughters narrowly escaping.

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Daily Devotional
January 9, 2024

Genesis 14-16

In Genesis 14, Abram rescues his nephew Lot from captivity after defeating several kings, and is blessed by Melchizedek, king of Salem. Genesis 15 details God's covenant with Abram, promising him numerous descendants, while Genesis 16 tells of Sarai's maid Hagar bearing Abram's son Ishmael, following Sarai's inability to conceive.

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Daily Devotional
January 6, 2024

Genesis 10-11

Genesis 10-11 details the genealogies of Noah's sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their descendants, leading to the formation of various nations with different languages. It then narrates the Tower of Babel incident, where God confounds human language and scatters people across the earth.

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Daily Devotional
January 4, 2024

Genesis 6-7

In Genesis 6-7, as human wickedness grows, God decides to cleanse the earth with a flood, sparing only Noah and his family. Noah builds an ark, gathers pairs of animals, and survives the devastating flood, signifying a new beginning in history.

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Daily Devotional
January 3, 2024

Genesis 3–5

Genesis 3-5 describes humanity's fall from grace, starting with Eve and Adam's disobedience in Eden, leading to their expulsion and the subsequent strife, including Cain's murder of Abel. The narrative then traces the lineage from Adam to Noah, marking the early generations' longevity and setting the stage for Noah's story. This section highlights themes of temptation, sin, and the unfolding of early human history.

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Daily Devotional
January 2, 2024

John 1:1–3, Psalms 8, Psalms 104

John 1:1-3, Psalms 8, and Psalms 104 collectively emphasize God's omnipotence and wisdom in creation. John 1:1-3 highlights the Word's foundational role in creation, existing eternally with God. Psalms 8 marvels at God's majesty in the natural world and the special place of humans in His creation. Psalms 104 celebrates God as the Creator, illustrating His intricate work in the universe and life. These scriptures together underscore God's omnipresence, humanity's unique role, and the awe-inspiring nature of His creations.

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Daily Devotional
January 1, 2024

Genesis 1-2

The Biblical account of creation in Genesis chapters 1 and 2 describes God creating the universe, the earth, and all life within six days, culminating with man and woman, and resting on the seventh day. It narrates the formation of the heavens, earth, and all living beings, and sets the stage for the human story in the Garden of Eden, emphasizing the sanctity of the seventh day.

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