Today You Will Be With Me In Paradise
“For the Son of Man came to seek out and save the lost. (Luke 19:10).” Jesus’ love for us drove Him to the cross. In...
Read Article“For the Son of Man came to seek out and save the lost. (Luke 19:10).” Jesus’ love for us drove Him to the cross. In...
Read ArticleSin is deadly. Grace is not cheap. Jesus is both God’s message and God’s messenger. On the cross, all the sin in the world was...
Read ArticleThe sin that has separated us from our Creator demands a price be paid. Full of mercy, God sent Jesus (100% man AND 100% divine)...
Read ArticleHumanity was created to know, love, and reflect God yet we rebelled against the Creator by rejecting God’s sovereignty in exchange for our own self-rule....
Read ArticleAll-powerful, God merely spoke the Universe into existence. Every snow-capped Alpine peak and island paradise, every jungle cat, leviathan of the sea, and mosquito in...
Read ArticleTime Magazine recently called loneliness the next great health epidemic on par with obesity and substance abuse. David tells us that we can live with...
Read ArticleDavid tells us that the dark valley is part of our human journey. No matter our experience, our comfort is knowing “Thou art with me.”...
Read ArticleOur longing for the “perfect Christmas” is the echo of a deeper longing; our inner ache for the new heaven and the new earth. We...
Read ArticleChristmas Eve is a wonderous celebration, but it pales next to the vision of Paradise regained and the curse reversed: we see the Eden-like city...
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