
We can know…Hope

Ironically, the holidays give us very little time to rest and relax. However, when we do find rare moments of quiet reflection, it’s easy to...

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We can know…Confidence

Instead of finishing the year on a strong note, many of us often slide into the Christmas season fatigued and overwhelmed. We are battered, bruised...

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We can know…Stability

The holiday season is accompanied by busyness, challenging family dynamics and financial stress. There’s so many external factors unfolding that we can’t control, and we...

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Just Like Barnabas: Believing

Paul’s casual reference to Timothy to bring John Mark is a testimony to Barnabas’ faithfulness. Because Barnabas wouldn’t give up, John Mark didn’t either, and...

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Maturing While Multiplying

Spiritual growth and multiplication are evidence that we are growing strong in the gospel of grace.  Paul reminds Timothy that those who make disciples intentionally...

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