Posts by rblain

July 9 | A Promised Messiah

Published by Comments Off on July 9 | A Promised Messiah

Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 9:1-7; 10:20-21; 11:1-10; Isaiah 12 Merry Christmas!  Start today off by singing your favorite Christmas carol as a family!  Joy to...

July 8 | Isaiah Asked to do the Impossible

Published by Comments Off on July 8 | Isaiah Asked to do the Impossible

Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 5:1-10; 6:1-13; 7:13-14 Assign someone in your family with an “impossible” task.  Tell them they are responsible for accomplishing this task...

July 7 | Week 27 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on July 7 | Week 27 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  This week we read about 3 prophets whose message for God’s Chosen People was pretty simple, even though the people had a...

July 6 | Disappointing God

Published by Comments Off on July 6 | Disappointing God

Today’s Reading: Read Isaiah 1:1-6; 2:1-11; 3:1-5,13-15; 4:2; 5-6 Imagine having a trip to Disney World planned for your family.  It would be a lot...

July 5 | God- A Faithful, Merciful and Forgiving Father

Published by Comments Off on July 5 | God- A Faithful, Merciful and Forgiving Father

Today’s Reading: Read Hosea 11:1-9; 12:2-6, 9-11; 13:4-6,10-11; 14 Ask each member of your family to draw a picture of what they think God might...

July 4 | Reminders and Warnings

Published by Comments Off on July 4 | Reminders and Warnings

Today’s Reading: Read Hosea 6:1-6; 7:2,10,13-26;8:1-4,13-14;9:3,15-17 As a family read Deuteronomy 30:14-20.  What command does God give the people in verse 16?  What warning is...

July 3 | God’s Message for His People

Published by Comments Off on July 3 | God’s Message for His People

Today’s Reading: Read Hosea 1:1; Hosea 4:1-13; Hosea 5 As you begin your time together, each family member should write a note to another family...

July 2 | Amos’ Visions

Published by Comments Off on July 2 | Amos’ Visions

Today’s Reading: Read Amos 6:14; 7:1-9; 8:1-3a, 11-12; 9:8-15 Ask each member of your family to think about a dream they have had recently.  Draw...

July 1 | A Message from the Lord

Published by Comments Off on July 1 | A Message from the Lord

Today’s Reading: Read Amos 1:1-13; Amos 2:1,4,6,10-11;3:1-2;10-11;4:12-13; 5:14-15,27 Grab a piece of construction paper and roll it up diagonally to make a megaphone.  Have each...

June 30 | Week 26 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on June 30 | Week 26 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  Read Romans 5:8.  But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ...

June 29 | God’s Response to Disobedience

Published by Comments Off on June 29 | God’s Response to Disobedience

Today’s Reading: Read Jonah Give everyone in your family a sheet of paper.  Fold it down the middle so that there are two parts. Think...

June 28 | Incomplete Obedience is Disobedience

Published by Comments Off on June 28 | Incomplete Obedience is Disobedience

Today’s Reading: Read II Kings 14:3-4; 14:24; 15:3-4,9,18,24,28,34-45 Consider this story and discuss it as a family:  Suzie had a fun day playing in her...