Posts by rblain

February 3 | Moses is Called by God

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Today’s Reading: Read Exodus 3-4 Think about a lit birthday candle on a birthday cake.  How does the fire on the candle go away?  What...

February 2 | Moses is Born

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Today’s Reading: Read Exodus 2 In Exodus 2 we meet an Israelite family who had a baby boy in the time when the Pharoah had...

February 1 | The Israelites in Egypt

Published by Comments Off on February 1 | The Israelites in Egypt

Today’s Reading: Read Exodus 1 Remember Joseph?  What are some things you remember that happened with Joseph?  Where did Joseph and his family end up...

January 31 | God Restores Job

Published by Comments Off on January 31 | God Restores Job

Today’s Reading: Read Job 42:10-16 We have walked through a lot with Job.  Can you remember any of the things that Job lost?  (He lost...

January 30 | God’s Creation Declares His Glory

Published by Comments Off on January 30 | God’s Creation Declares His Glory

Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 19; Psalm 29 Have you ever heard God talk?  That’s a tricky question, isn’t it?  Most of us have never heard...

January 29 | God Responds to Job

Published by Comments Off on January 29 | God Responds to Job

Today’s Reading: Read Job 38; Job 42:2 Do you remember all those questions Job had for God? In Job 38 we find out God’s answers...

January 28 | Week 4 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on January 28 | Week 4 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY Is there ever a time we should turn away from God?  Remember how Job’s wife suggested that Job stop listening to God...

January 27 | Job Trusts In God’s Plan For His Life

Published by Comments Off on January 27 | Job Trusts In God’s Plan For His Life

Today’s Reading: Read Job 23 There were a lot of things in Job’s life that he did not understand.  But one thing he knew for...

January 26 | Job Asks Hard Questions

Published by Comments Off on January 26 | Job Asks Hard Questions

Today’s Reading: Read Job 20-21 Do you ever wonder why?  Like- why is the sky blue?  Why do we call cake “cake”?  Why are elephants...