Posts by rblain

April 1 | Hannah’s Obedience and Samuel’s Service

Published by Comments Off on April 1 | Hannah’s Obedience and Samuel’s Service

Today’s Reading: Read I Samuel 1:11-18; 20-27; I Samuel 2:18-21; 1 Samuel 3 Have you ever prayed for something and had to wait a long...

March 30 | Ruth and Boaz & A Family Redeemer

Published by Comments Off on March 30 | Ruth and Boaz & A Family Redeemer

March 25-31 is HOLY WEEK.  Each day this week we will add an additional passage from the New Testament that walks us through what happened...

March 29 | Ruth and Naomi & Sadness and Hope

Published by Comments Off on March 29 | Ruth and Naomi & Sadness and Hope

March 25-31 is HOLY WEEK.  Each day this week we will add an additional passage from the New Testament that walks us through what happened...

March 28 | Samson

Published by Comments Off on March 28 | Samson

March 25-31 is HOLY WEEK.  Each day this week we will add an additional passage from the New Testament that walks us through what happened...

March 27 | Judges Chosen to Rule Israel

Published by Comments Off on March 27 | Judges Chosen to Rule Israel

March 25-31 is HOLY WEEK.  Each day this week we will add an additional passage from the New Testament that walks us through what happened...

March 26 | Lessons on Faith

Published by Comments Off on March 26 | Lessons on Faith

March 25-31 is HOLY WEEK.  Each day this week we will add an additional passage from the New Testament that walks us through what happened...

March 24 | Week 12 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on March 24 | Week 12 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  This week we talked a lot about God’s instructions and how important it was for the Israelites to remember what God had...

March 23 | Remember….

Published by Comments Off on March 23 | Remember….

Today’s Reading: Read Joshua 23:6-16; Joshua 24:16-18 Read this sentence out loud only once and see if each member of your family can recite it...


Published by Comments Off on March 22 | THE LOCATION OF THE TENT OF MEETING

Today’s Reading: Read Joshua 18:1; Joshua 22:9-29 Have you ever built something?  It’s much easier to build something or put something together when we have...


Published by Comments Off on March 21 | PROMISES FULFILLED

Today’s Reading: Read Joshua 11:23; Joshua 14:5-13 Parents, share a story of a time when you had to wait a long time for a promise...