Posts by rblain

April 13 | David’s Testimony

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Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 124; Psalm 130 Have you ever heard the word “testimony” before?  It’s a big word that means telling others something that...

April 12 | David’s Confidence

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Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 121 Grab a chair and put it in the middle of the room.  Have each family member take a turn sitting...

April 11 | David’s Praise

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Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 63; Psalm 18:1-3; 18:30-36; 18:49 Before you read today, challenge the members of your family to do something for someone else...

April 10 | David’s Prayer

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Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 17 Sometimes knowing how to pray in difficult situations is a challenge. What do we ask for? What words do we...

April 9 | David’s Peace

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Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 56 If you were standing on a diving board that was 10 feet in the air, would you have courage of...

April 8 | David’s Courage

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Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 27 When have you had courage in a situation?  Courage is the willingness to do something that is hard even though...

April 7 | Week 14 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on April 7 | Week 14 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  Read I Samuel 16:7  “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or his stature because I have...

April 6 | God’s Protection for David

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Today’s Reading: Read I Samuel 23:26; I Samuel 24; Psalm 91 What’s your favorite movie?  Who is the good guy?  Who is the bad guy...

April 5 | David is Chosen to be King

Published by Comments Off on April 5 | David is Chosen to be King

Today’s Reading: Read I Samuel 16; I Samuel 18:6-9; Psalm 59 Grab some art supplies today and make a crown.  On the crown, write down...

April 4 | Saul Disobeys

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Today’s Reading: Read I Samuel 16; I Samuel 18:6-9; Psalm 59 Have you ever made a bad decision?  It happens, doesn’t it?  The Israelites found...

April 3 | The First King- Saul

Published by Comments Off on April 3 | The First King- Saul

Today’s Reading: Read I Samuel 9:2, 14-17; I Samuel 12:6-15, 20-25 For today’s reading, you will need 3 boxes.  One of the boxes should have a...

April 2 | The Ark of the Covenant is Captured

Published by Comments Off on April 2 | The Ark of the Covenant is Captured

Today’s Reading: Read I Samuel 4:1-10a; I Samuel 6:1-3; I Samuel 8:6-8; 19-22 Start off your time today by playing a game of “What could...