Posts by rblain

May 22 | God’s People Remember

Published by Comments Off on May 22 | God’s People Remember

Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 113-118 A couple of days ago, we talked about what your first memory was.  Today, talk to your family about your...

May 21 | David’s Last Words

Published by Comments Off on May 21 | David’s Last Words

Today’s Reading: Read 1 Kings 2:1-4; I Kings 2:10-12; Psalm 37:3-7; Psalm 37:39-40 Do you know what it means to give someone advice?  Giving someone...

May 20 | FOREVER

Published by Comments Off on May 20 | FOREVER

Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 111-112 What is the first memory you can remember?  Talk about those memories with your family.  Do you think you will...

May 19 | Week 20 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on May 19 | Week 20 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  Read I Corinthians 3:16.  What does it mean that our body is the temple of God?  Talk about the fact that because...

May 18 | Passing the Baton

Published by Comments Off on May 18 | Passing the Baton

Today’s Reading: Read I Chronicles 28 Have you ever run in a relay race?  One of the most important parts of running in a relay...

May 17 | God’s Perfect Design

Published by Comments Off on May 17 | God’s Perfect Design

Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 139:1-18 Read today’s reading out loud as a family.    1 Lord, you have searched me and known me. 2 You know...

May 16 | Plans for the Temple

Published by Comments Off on May 16 | Plans for the Temple

Today’s Reading: Read I Chronicles 23:1-2; 25-32; I Chronicles 24:19 Time for another review.  Jump back and read Leviticus 8:1-14.  What tribe is listed as...

May 15 | Praying through the Scripture

Published by Comments Off on May 15 | Praying through the Scripture

Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 108:1-7; Psalm 109:26-31 What do you know about PRAYER?  When we pray, we are talking with God, just like when we...

May 14 | Solomon Charged with Building the Temple

Published by Comments Off on May 14 | Solomon Charged with Building the Temple

Today’s Reading: Read I Chronicles 22:6-19; Psalm 30 Quick review- what do you remember about the tabernacle that the Israelites built?  Read Exodus 25 for...

May 13 | Bowing before the Lord

Published by Comments Off on May 13 | Bowing before the Lord

Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 97-99 Have you ever wondered what God looks like?  It’s hard to imagine something we have never seen before, isn’t it? ...

May 12 | Week 19 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on May 12 | Week 19 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  This week we learned a lot about the consequences of David’s sin.  As a family, spend some time talking about what it...

May 11 | God’s Grace in David’s Life

Published by Comments Off on May 11 | God’s Grace in David’s Life

Today’s Reading: Read 2 Samuel 22-23:7; Psalm 57 If you were telling someone about your best friend, what words would you use?  How would you...