Posts by rblain

June 3 | What are you aiming for?

Published by Comments Off on June 3 | What are you aiming for?

Today’s Reading: Read Proverbs 21-24 Have you ever played “Pin the Tail on the Donkey?”  If not, let me tell you about it!  There is...

June 2 | Week 22 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on June 2 | Week 22 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  Read Proverbs 18:24  …there is a friend who stays closer than a brother.  Spend some time as a family discussing who this...

June 1 | Godly Friendships

Published by Comments Off on June 1 | Godly Friendships

Today’s Reading: Read Proverbs 17-20 Who is your best friend?  Why are they your best friend?  What is your favorite thing about them?  Good friends...

May 31 | Wisdom vs Foolishness

Published by Comments Off on May 31 | Wisdom vs Foolishness

Today’s Reading: Read Proverbs 13-16 Finish the pattern:  Up, down.  Right, Wrong.  On, off.  Left, _______.  Did you say right?  We were listing opposites.   The...

May 30 | Biblical Wisdom

Published by Comments Off on May 30 | Biblical Wisdom

Today’s Reading: Read Proverbs 9-12 How would your friends describe you?  Do you think that the people in your life would say anything about how...

May 29 | Make Wise Choices

Published by Comments Off on May 29 | Make Wise Choices

Today’s Reading: Read Proverbs 6:6-23; Proverbs 7:1-3; Proverbs 8 Imagine crossing a road without looking first to see if there were any cars coming.  Would...

May 28 | The Fear of the Lord

Published by Comments Off on May 28 | The Fear of the Lord

Today’s Reading: Read Proverbs 1:1-19; 2:1-15; 3:1-35; 4:1-27 Is there something that you are afraid of?  I don’t like frogs!  I am definitely scared of...

May 27 | A Love Story

Published by Comments Off on May 27 | A Love Story

Today’s Reading: Read Song of Songs 1:15-16b; 2:16a; 4:7; 5:10; 7:10 Think about Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty.  What happens to each of them...

May 26 | Week 21 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on May 26 | Week 21 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  Read (or recite) John 3:16. In this week’s reading, we talked about the word FOREVER often.  Discuss how forever and eternal are...

May 25 | God’s Word Describes Who God Is

Published by Comments Off on May 25 | God’s Word Describes Who God Is

Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 119:89-176 Let’s play a guessing game.  Read the following descriptions and guess what is being described:  It is in the sky.  It...

May 24 | Solomon Asks for Wisdom

Published by Comments Off on May 24 | Solomon Asks for Wisdom

Today’s Reading: Read Psalm I Kings 3:4-14; II Chronicles 1:7-12; Psalm 72 If you could ask God for anything at all, what would you ask...

May 23 | God’s Word

Published by Comments Off on May 23 | God’s Word

Today’s Reading: Read Psalm 119:1-88 If you are taking a trip and you need to get directions, what do you do?  The GPS that we...