Posts by rblain

September 16 | Returning to Jerusalem

Published by Comments Off on September 16 | Returning to Jerusalem

Today’s Reading: Read II Chronicles 36:22-23; Ezra 1-3 Often people say that something they are waiting for is “worth the wait.”  What is the longest...

September 15 | Week 37 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on September 15 | Week 37 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  Daniel had many chances to demonstrate his faith to those around him. How are you with sharing your faith with your friends...

September 14 | Knowing God makes it easier to Trust Him!

Published by Comments Off on September 14 | Knowing God makes it easier to Trust Him!

Today’s Reading: Read Daniel 10:1-12, 19; Daniel 12 Ever been part of a trust fall before? Parents, this is your chance! Ask your kids to...

September 13 | Trusting God even when you don’t understand

Published by Comments Off on September 13 | Trusting God even when you don’t understand

Today’s Reading: Read Daniel 7:1, 15-17; Daniel 8:1-4, 15-19, Daniel 9:1-27 What is the craziest dream you’ve ever had? Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes...

September 12 | Daniel Obeys God’s Plan- AGAIN!

Published by Comments Off on September 12 | Daniel Obeys God’s Plan- AGAIN!

Today’s Reading: Read Daniel 4-6 Daniel’s time in Babylon gave him many opportunities to show that He followed God’s plan! God gave Daniel the wisdom...

September 11 | Do the Right Thing

Published by Comments Off on September 11 | Do the Right Thing

Today’s Reading: Read Daniel 1-3 Let’s build something today! First, grab a sheet of paper and a pencil. Draw out exactly what you might want...

September 10 | Ezekiel’s Vision of Restoration

Published by Comments Off on September 10 | Ezekiel’s Vision of Restoration

Today’s Reading: Read Ezekiel 45:1-8; 46:1-13; 47:13-23; 48 In Exodus when we read about the Israelites leaving Egypt, we learned how God used Moses to...

September 9 | God’s Glory Returns to the Temple

Published by Comments Off on September 9 | God’s Glory Returns to the Temple

Today’s Reading: Read Ezekiel 43:1-12 Set a timer for 60 seconds. Challenge your family to create a timeline of the temple beginning with David’s desire...

September 8 | Week 36 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

Published by Comments Off on September 8 | Week 36 Gospel Conversation Opportunity

GOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY  This week we read how God promised to be the Shepherd for the Israelites. He can be that for us, as well....

September 7 | God’s Promise of Restoration

Published by Comments Off on September 7 | God’s Promise of Restoration

Today’s Reading: Read Ezekiel 37 and Ezekiel 40 Grab a jigsaw puzzle and scatter the pieces on a table. Work together with your family to...

September 6 | God is the Good Shepherd

Published by Comments Off on September 6 | God is the Good Shepherd

Today’s Reading: Read Ezekiel 34:1-20, 25-31 Do you know what a shepherd’s job is? What responsibilities does a shepherd have? A shepherd keeps his sheep...

September 5 | Who do you trust?

Published by Comments Off on September 5 | Who do you trust?

Today’s Reading: Read Ezekiel 29 Today we will read about the nation of Egypt. What do you remember about Egypt? Here’s a quick review. Remember,...