Introduction to 40 Days of Prayer
Church Family, A.C. Dixon, longtime pastor of Chicago’s Moody Church, once said, “When we rely on education, we get what education can do. When we...
Read ArticleChurch Family, A.C. Dixon, longtime pastor of Chicago’s Moody Church, once said, “When we rely on education, we get what education can do. When we...
Read ArticleIn Romans 13-16, Paul emphasizes a Christian's duty to respect and submit to governing authorities because they are instituted by God, and he highlights love as the fulfillment of the law. Paul next discusses living in harmony with others, and he gives his final exhortations and greetings to the Roman church, promoting unity and warning against division.
Read DevotionalToday’s Reading: Read Romans 13-16 Use the white side of a role of wrapping paper to wrap a box. Ultimately, you want a gift box...
Read ArticleIn Romans 9-12, Paul expresses deep sorrow over Israel's rejection of Christ, emphasizing that God's relationship with individuals is based on faith, not heritage. He discusses God's sovereign choices and concludes with a call for believers to live in harmony and serve each other with their spiritual gifts.
Read DevotionalToday’s Reading: Read Romans 9-12 Play a game as a family today called “Good Gift/Bad Gift.” Choose one family member and begin describing a gift...
Read ArticleIn the latest episode of Sermon Notes, host Jay Strother is joined by guest Brian Ball to delve into the profound themes of Paul’s prison epistles, specifically exploring the letters to the Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, and Philippians. The conversation weaves through the transformative power of the gospel on social structures, the Christian concept of kindness and responsibility, and the exaltation of Christ’s humility as an example for faithful living.
Read ArticleIn Romans 5-8, Paul explains that being justified by faith grants us peace with God through Jesus, ushering in a life transformed by grace. This new life promises the Holy Spirit's presence, assurance against God's wrath, and an inheritance in eternal life, triumphing over sin and death through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.
Read DevotionalToday’s Reading: Read Romans 5-8 Wrap a box in fun wrapping paper to use for your reading time today. (Wrap an empty box, trust us!...
Read ArticleIn Romans 1-4 and Acts 20:1-3, Paul, called to apostleship by Christ, proclaims the Gospel, highlighting Jesus' fulfillment of prophecies and His divine nature, validated by resurrection. He expresses a deep desire to visit the Roman believers to strengthen their faith and encourage mutual edification, emphasizing the transformative power of the Gospel for salvation to all who believe, Jew and Gentile alike.
Read DevotionalToday’s Reading: Read Romans 1:1-22; 2:1-24; 3:4-18; Romans 4; Acts 20:1-3 Let’s talk about presents today! It’s always fun to receive a special gift, isn’t...
Read ArticleAt our church, we’re passionate about sparking a disciple-making movement in Middle Tennessee and beyond. This year, we’ve had the joy of partnering with families to include their children in this mission. We firmly believe that the gospel is central to our lives, and that “Gospel First and Always” has no age limit (1 Timothy 4:12).
Read ArticleGOSPEL CONVERSATION OPPORTUNITY Advent Week One- The Gift of HOPE Have you noticed the excitement building in your home? Yes- you’ve almost made it through...
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