
June 18 | Good Vs. Evil

Today’s Reading: Read I Kings 15:25-16:34; II Chronicles 17 Play a game of “spot the difference.” Draw two pictures that are almost identical but make...

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Daily Devotional
June 18, 2024

1 Kings 15:25-16:34; 2 Chronicles 17

In 1 Kings 15-16 and 2 Chronicles 17, the narrative follows the tumultuous reigns of Nadab, Baasha, Elah, and Zimri in Israel, each marked by conspiracy and bloodshed as prophesied due to their sinful ways, culminating in Omri's establishment of Samaria. Meanwhile, Judah under Asa experiences reforms and stability, contrasting with the northern kingdom's moral decline and violence.

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June 17 | Seek and Find

Today’s Reading: Read II Kings 15:3-5; 14-15; II Chronicles 13:1-21; II Chronicles 14; II Chronicles 16:7-9 As a family, start today’s devotional time out by...

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Daily Devotional
June 17, 2024

1 Kings 15:1-24; 2 Chronicles 13-16

In 1 Kings 15 and 2 Chronicles 13-16, King Abijam of Judah follows in the sinful ways of his ancestors, yet because of God's covenant with David, Judah is preserved; his son Asa then ascends to the throne, enacting religious reforms to eradicate idolatry and renew dedication to the Lord. King Asa's reforms bring a period of religious revival, but political tensions escalate with Israel, leading to conflicts and alliances that shape the geopolitical landscape of the region.

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Daily Devotional
June 14, 2024

1 Kings 12; 2 Chronicles 10

In 1 Kings 12 and 2 Chronicles 10, Rehoboam's harsh response to the Israelites' request for lighter burdens—following advice from his young peers rather than the elders—leads to the division of Israel into two kingdoms. This fulfills God's prophecy, with Jeroboam ruling the northern kingdom and Rehoboam retaining only Judah.

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June 13 | Solomon Forgets

Today’s Reading: Read I Kings 10; I Kings 11:1-6; 7-13; 29-39 Can you remember your favorite Christmas present from 3 years ago?  Think hard- it...

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Daily Devotional
June 13, 2024

1 Kings 10-11; 2 Chronicles 9; Proverbs 30-31

In 1 Kings 10-11 and 2 Chronicles 9, the Queen of Sheba visits Solomon. Solomon's later years are marked by his unfaithfulness to God as he loves many foreign women, builds high places for their gods, and incurs God's wrath, leading to the promise of the kingdom being torn from his son. Additionally, the end of Proverbs offers wisdom on various topics through the sayings of Agur and King Lemuel.

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June 12 | Who is in control?

Today’s Reading: Read Ecclesiastes 7:1-14; Ecclesiastes 12 Do you have a remote-controlled car around your house?  If you do, grab it for today’s reading!  Take...

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