Scripture does not refer to the church as “the individuals of God” but rather “the people of God.” He has chosen us as his special...
Read ArticleEnabling and engaging everyone – especially those closest to you – to become fully prepared for God’s use in the Kingdom.
Read ArticleEveryone in a group, everyone on mission.
Read ArticlePaul paints an alarming picture of the opposition Timothy will face. However, he reminds Timothy that his primary defense is Paul’s example of faithfulness (3:10-13),...
Read ArticleFalse teachers will be present, and Paul provides a vivid description of what they look like (3:1-5a). He wanted Timothy to be aware and informed...
Read ArticlePaul urged Timothy to take the lead in resisting heresy by warning of the danger and exposing its error (2:14–19). Paul used an illustration to...
Read ArticleAfter appealing for qualities such as courage, willingness to suffer, and faithfulness, Paul borrowed images from daily life to illustrate the traits necessary for effective...
Read ArticlePaul urges Timothy to remain faithful to Jesus despite hardship. For Paul, faithfulness requires specific spiritual qualities. Timothy will need courage (reference back to vv....
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