Seek whatever station (marriage/single) will give you the best opportunity to be an imitator of God.
Read ArticleBoth marriage & singlehood have their own unique challenges, and much of it stems from the lack of commitment to love others. At the end...
Read ArticleWhile marriage is a good thing to be pursued, we must be careful not to make it an ultimate thing or status as an idol. ...
Read ArticleMarriage is for God’s glory & our joy, in that order. We tend to make marriage all about our wants & needs. We glorify God...
Read ArticleGod created the institution of marriage, as the union of one biological man & one biological woman. Its purpose is to display the covenant love...
Read ArticleAt the core of what it means to be human is that we are created for relationship. Relationships are intended to “complement” us to one...
Read ArticleTheodore Roosevelt famously, and accurately, stated that “comparison is the thief of joy.” It is no different in our faith journey. We tend to justify,...
Read ArticlePeter had told Jesus He was willing to lay down his life for Him (John 13:37). After the resurrection Jesus tells Peter that by following...
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