

Jesus challenges conventional thinking, in his time and ours, about what it means to be “blessed.”  In the Beatitudes, Jesus shows us the marks of an extraordinary life of faith.  The...

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Raise The Bar

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus doesn’t lower the bar when it comes to the law, he raises it. By making it clear that...

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Raise The Bar

If Lent is for “giving up,” the Easter season is about “taking up” the way of Jesus. After seven weeks at looking at what Jesus...

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If Lent is for “giving up,” the Easter season is about “taking up” the way of Jesus. After seven weeks at looking at what Jesus...

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Raise The Bar

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus doesn’t lower the bar when it comes to the law, he raises it. By making it clear that...

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Jesus challenges conventional thinking, in his time and ours, about what it means to be “blessed.”  In the Beatitudes, Jesus shows us the marks of an extraordinary life of faith.  The...

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Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Each of these statements teaches us something important about Jesus. Together they give insight, powerful and poignant, into what was on the heart and mind...

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Father, Forgive Them

Sin is deadly. Grace is not cheap. Jesus is both God’s message and God’s messenger. On the cross, all the sin in the world was...

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Woman Behold Your Son

Each of these statements teaches us something important about Jesus. Together they give insight, powerful and poignant, into what was on the heart and mind...

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Father, Forgive Them

Each of these statements teaches us something important about Jesus. Together they give insight, powerful and poignant, into what was on the heart and mind...

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