Published by bboydComments Off on Day 12 | Multiplying Ministry
Ephesians 3:14-20 reminds us that the power of the Holy Spirit equips us to share the gospel, even in daunting tasks like reaching millions. This devotion encourages us to trust in God’s strength as we engage in His mission. Pray for Arabic Community Fellowship in Smyrna as they reach Arabic-speaking individuals with Christ’s love and for the Kurmi people of India to encounter Jesus and ignite a discipleship movement among their communities.
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 12, Matthew 11, Nehemiah 1, Acts 11
Genesis 12: God calls Abram to move to a new land, promising to make him a great nation; Abram travels to Canaan, builds altars, and experiences a famine, leading him to Egypt where his wife Sarai is taken by Pharaoh, only to be returned after divine intervention.
Matthew 11: Jesus commends John the Baptist and critiques the unresponsiveness of the current generation to His works; He invites the weary to find rest in Him, emphasizing His role as a teacher and savior.
Nehemiah 1: Nehemiah learns of Jerusalem's dire state and prays to God, confessing Israel's sins and asking for success in his mission as cupbearer to the king, setting the stage for his journey to rebuild the city.
Acts 11: Peter defends his association with Gentiles, recounting his vision that led to the baptism of Cornelius’s household, marking the Holy Spirit's acceptance of Gentiles and the subsequent spread of the Gospel in Antioch.
Published by bboydComments Off on Day 11 | Beyond: Praying for the Nations
Romans 10:14-15 reminds us of our responsibility to share the gospel with those who have never heard. This devotion challenges us to step beyond our comfort zones to reach the nations with God’s love. Pray for Redemption Haitian Fellowship in La Vergne as they grow their community in faith and for Brandon and Daphne in South Africa as they serve with Living Hope, sharing Jesus’ love and empowering lives.
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 11, Matthew 10, Ezra 10, Acts 10
Genesis 11: Humans build a tower to the sky in Babylon, prompting God to confuse their language and scatter them.
Matthew 10: Jesus empowers the twelve apostles to heal and preach, warns of persecution, and emphasizes reliance on God.
Ezra 10: Ezra leads a renewal of commitment to the Law by ending unlawful intermarriages among the people.
Acts 10: Cornelius's and Peter's visions lead to the realization that the Gospel is for all, culminating in the baptism of Gentiles.
Published by bboydComments Off on Day 10 | Who Is My Neighbor?
Luke 10:25-37 reminds us to love our neighbors by meeting their needs with compassion and action. This devotion challenges us to reflect Christ’s love in our own communities. Pray for People Loving Nashville as they serve the unhoused with care and for the unreached people of Sudan, asking God to bring hope, boldness, and freedom to share the gospel in challenging circumstances.
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 9-10, Matthew 9, Ezra 9, Acts 9
Genesis 9-10: God makes a covenant with Noah, symbolized by a rainbow, promising never to flood the earth again; the chapters also detail the genealogies of Noah's sons, describing the origins of various nations and languages.
Matthew 9: Jesus performs various miracles, including healing a paralytic and calling Matthew as a disciple, challenging societal and religious norms and demonstrating his divine authority.
Ezra 9: Ezra confronts the issue of Israelites intermarrying with non-Israelites, which leads to a communal confession of sin and a plea for mercy based on God's past acts of forgiveness despite Israel's repeated unfaithfulness.
Acts 9: Saul's dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus marks the beginning of his mission as Paul; he starts preaching that Jesus is the Son of God, which astonishes those who know his former life and leads to both acceptance and threats.
Published by bboydComments Off on Day 9: The Same Powerful God, Then and Now
Acts 9:31 reminds us that God still works through ordinary faithfulness to build His church. This devotion encourages believers to take simple, obedient steps to contribute to church multiplication today. Pray for Grove Hill Church in Chapel Hill as they grow and seek a new building, and for Nick and Lillian in Southeast Asia as they train future church leaders for gospel ministry.
Published by bboydComments Off on Questions That Grow Us: Seeing Doubt as a Catalyst for Faith
At our church, we’re passionate about sparking a disciple-making movement in Middle Tennessee and beyond. This year, we’ve had the joy of partnering with families to include their children in this mission. We firmly believe that the gospel is central to our lives, and that “Gospel First and Always” has no age limit (1 Timothy 4:12).
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 8, Matthew 8, Ezra 8, Acts 8
Genesis 8: God remembers Noah, causing the floodwaters to recede; Noah sends a dove, which returns with an olive leaf, signaling dry land.
Matthew 8: Jesus heals a leper and a paralytic, showcases his authority over nature, and emphasizes the cost of discipleship.
Ezra 8: Ezra leads Israelites back to Jerusalem, secures royal support and donations for temple services, and ensures religious practices are re-established.
Acts 8: Early church faces persecution; Philip evangelizes in Samaria and converts an Ethiopian official who is baptized.
Published by bboydComments Off on Day 8 | Fueling a Disciple Making Movement
II Corinthians 9:10-15 reminds us that all we have comes from God, and true joy is found in using our resources to bless others. This devotion challenges us to reflect on how our giving reflects our obedience and impacts lives for Christ. Pray for South Haven Arabic Baptist Church as they serve Nashville's Arabic-speaking community and for Mac and Grace at The Point Church in Vancouver as they share the gospel with students from around the world.
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 7, Matthew 7, Ezra 7, Acts 7
Genesis 7: Noah and his family enter the ark with pairs of all living creatures as God begins the flood, which lasts for forty days and nights, destroying all life except for those in the ark.
Matthew 7: Jesus teaches about the importance of non-judgment, prayer, and discernment, emphasizing the need for genuine faith and actions that reflect a true relationship with God, concluding with the parable of the wise and foolish builders.
Ezra 7: Ezra arrives in Jerusalem with a royal decree from King Artaxerxes, authorizing him to ensure the observance of the Law of Moses and providing resources for temple worship and offerings.
Acts 7: Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, defends his faith before the Sanhedrin, recounting Israel’s history and accusing them of resisting God; he becomes the first Christian martyr after seeing a vision of Jesus at the right hand of God.
Acts 8:4 inspires us to share the gospel wherever life takes us, just as the early church did during persecution. This devotion encourages believers to live missionally, seeing every situation as an opportunity to proclaim Christ. Join us in praying for Tennessee Alliance for Kids as they support children in foster care and for Matthew and Rebekah Caye as they disciple young adults in Nairobi, equipping them with the gospel.