Posts by bboyd

Day 28 | Uniquely Called Part One

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God knows and loves you intimately, having fearfully and wonderfully made you for His purpose. Pray for Hope Clinic for Women as they provide compassionate care and gospel hope to individuals in crisis, and for Andre with Free Burma Rangers as he brings aid and Christ’s love to conflict areas. Lift up their work and the lives they touch.

Genesis 29, Matthew 28, Esther 5, Acts 28

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Genesis 29: Jacob meets Rachel at a well and agrees to work seven years for her hand in marriage, only to be deceived by Laban who marries him to Leah first, requiring another seven years of work for Rachel. Matthew 28: The angel announces Jesus' resurrection to the women at the tomb, instructing them to inform the disciples; Jesus commissions the disciples to make disciples of all nations, promising His perpetual presence. Esther 5: Queen Esther, risking her life, approaches King Ahasuerus without being summoned, secures his favor, and invites him and Haman to a banquet where she plans to request their aid. Acts 28: Paul, shipwrecked on Malta, is unharmed by a viper bite and heals many, including Publius's father; he eventually arrives in Rome, preaches the kingdom of God, and lives freely while under house arrest.

Day 27 | Gospel First & Always

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The gospel of Jesus Christ—His death, burial, and resurrection—is central to our faith and the hope of new life. Pray for College Grove Baptist Church as they revitalize their ministry under Interim Pastor Gerald Cook, and for Warren and Alexandra as they bring the gospel to the Yemeni community amidst significant challenges. Lift up their efforts and ask God to prepare hearts for His message.

Genesis 28, Matthew 27, Esther 4, Acts 27

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Genesis 28: Jacob leaves for Paddan-aram on Isaac's advice to avoid marrying Canaanite women and at Bethel, he dreams of a ladder reaching to heaven, receiving God's promise of land and blessing. Matthew 27: Jesus, handed over to Pilate, is rejected in favor of Barabbas and crucified. Esther 4: Mordecai urges Esther to intervene for the Jews against Haman's decree; Esther, risking death, agrees to approach the king unsummoned to save her people. Acts 27: Paul, en route to Rome for trial, sails into a storm, leading to a shipwreck from which all aboard safely reach shore.

Day 26 | You are Loved, You are Sent

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"You are loved, and you are sent." This weekly reminder fuels our mission to share the gospel. Pray for Williamson County Young Life as they introduce students to Christ and equip future leaders, and for the Jat people of India, that God would send workers and ignite a church-planting movement among them. Seek opportunities to share the good news and be part of God’s mission.

Genesis 27, Matthew 26, Esther 3, Acts 26

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Genesis 27: Jacob, encouraged by Rebekah, deceives his father Isaac to receive the blessing meant for Esau, leading to family conflict and Esau's vow of revenge, prompting Jacob to flee to Laban's house. Matthew 26: Jesus faces betrayal from Judas, institutes the Lord's Supper, predicts Peter's denial, prays in Gethsemane, and is arrested, leading to His trial before the Sanhedrin where He affirms His identity, resulting in charges of blasphemy. Esther 3: Haman, honored by King Ahasuerus, becomes enraged by Mordecai's refusal to bow and plots to annihilate all Jews in the kingdom, securing the king’s approval to enact a decree for their destruction. Acts 26: Paul defends his faith before King Agrippa, recounting his persecution of Christians, his conversion, and his mission, asserting his teachings align with Jewish prophecy, but Agrippa remains unconvinced of the need for conversion.

Day 25 | Equipped to Lead Well

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Mark 14:1-10 illustrates Mary’s act of extravagant worship, giving her all to honor Jesus. This devotion challenges us to value Him above everything and offer wholehearted devotion. Pray for the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home as they provide Christ-centered care for children and families in crisis, and for Danielle Schneider in Southern Africa as she equips leaders and supports families through ministry.

Genesis 26, Matthew 25, Esther 2, Acts 25

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Genesis 26: Isaac, instructed by God not to go to Egypt, stays in Gerar where he deceives Abimelech about Rebekah being his sister; after conflict over wells, Isaac makes peace with Abimelech and reaffirms God’s promise of blessings. Matthew 25: Jesus teaches about readiness and responsibility through parables of ten virgins and talents, emphasizing preparedness for His return and judgment based on acts of kindness, depicted in the parable of the sheep and goats. Esther 2: After King Ahasuerus’s decree, Esther is chosen for her beauty to replace Vashti as queen, keeping her Jewish identity secret; Mordecai, her cousin, uncovers a plot to kill the king, highlighting Esther's rising influence. Acts 25: Paul, facing accusations from Jewish leaders, appeals to Caesar for a fair trial, which Festus grants; King Agrippa arrives and expresses interest in hearing Paul, setting the stage for another defense of his actions and beliefs.

Day 24 | Worthy of it All

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Mark 14:1-10 illustrates Mary’s act of extravagant worship, giving her all to honor Jesus. This devotion challenges us to value Him above everything and offer wholehearted devotion. Pray for the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home as they provide Christ-centered care for children and families in crisis, and for Danielle Schneider in Southern Africa as she equips leaders and supports families through ministry.

Genesis 25, Matthew 24, Esther 1, Acts 24

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Genesis 25: Abraham passes away after securing his legacy through his sons Isaac and Ishmael, while the narrative shifts to focus on Isaac's twin sons, Esau and Jacob. Matthew 24: Jesus prophesies the destruction of the Temple, warns of false prophets and persecution, and describes the signs of His second coming, urging vigilance and faithfulness. Esther 1: King Ahasuerus dismisses Queen Vashti for her defiance and plans to find a new queen. Acts 24: Paul defends himself against accusations before Governor Felix, emphasizing his faith and conduct, but Felix keeps Paul in custody.

Day 23 | He Who Promised is Faithful

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Hebrews 10:23-25 reminds us of the importance of holding firm to our faith and finding encouragement in fellowship with others. This devotion calls us to be intentional in building Gospel-centered relationships and supporting one another in love and good works. Pray for Operation Andrew Group as they unite Nashville’s churches to serve their community and for Debra in Sub-Saharan Africa as she fosters healing and hope through medical missions.

Genesis 24, Matthew 23, Nehemiah 13, Acts 23

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Genesis 24: Abraham's servant finds Rebekah to be Isaac's wife through a divinely answered prayer at a well. Matthew 23: Jesus condemns the hypocrisy and legalism of the Pharisees and scribes, warning them of divine judgment while expressing a deep lament for Jerusalem's resistance to God's messengers. Nehemiah 13: Nehemiah enforces reforms to restore the integrity of worship and community life in Jerusalem, confronting issues like Sabbath breaking, intermarriage, and temple negligence. Acts 23: Paul's declaration of his faith and hope in the resurrection causes a division among the Sanhedrin, leading to a plot against his life which is thwarted by his nephew.