Posts by bboyd

Judges 2-5

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In Judges 2, the angel of the Lord chastises Israel for their disobedience, leading to a cycle of sin, judgment, and deliverance by judges. Chapters 3-5 depict this cycle through the stories of Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Barak, and Jael, highlighting Israel's fluctuating faithfulness, divine intervention, and eventual peace under the leadership of various judges.

Joshua 23-24; Judges 1

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In Joshua 23-24, Joshua delivers a farewell address, urging Israel to remain faithful to God's covenant and warning of the consequences of disobedience. Following Joshua's death in Judges 1, Israel inquires of the Lord for leadership against the Canaanites, with Judah emerging victorious but other tribes experiencing varying degrees of success and failure in driving out the inhabitants of the land.

Joshua 19-22

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In Joshua 19-22, the distribution of land among the tribes of Israel continues, with Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, Dan, and Joshua himself receiving their inheritances. Additionally, cities of refuge are designated for those who unintentionally cause harm, and the Levites are given cities to dwell in from the other tribes' territories. Ultimately, the eastern tribes, after building an altar near the Jordan, reconcile with the rest of Israel, averting potential conflict over misunderstanding.

Joshua 15-18

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In Joshua 15-18, the allocation of land to the tribes of Israel progresses, delineating the territories of Judah, Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin. Significant events, such as Caleb's inheritance and the challenge of driving out the Canaanites, mark this phase of settling in the promised land.

Joshua 11-14

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In Joshua 11-14, the conquest of the northern cities is detailed, where Joshua, with divine guidance, defeats numerous kings and their armies, fulfilling the Lord's commands. The summary extends to the distribution of conquered territories among the tribes of Israel, both east and west of the Jordan River, as Moses had instructed. Notably, Caleb's faithful inheritance of Hebron is highlighted, showcasing his unwavering trust in the Lord's promises, echoing the theme of divine faithfulness seen throughout the narrative.

Insights from Deuteronomy: Choosing Life through Christ’s Freedom

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In this episode of Sermon Notes, host Jay Strother is joined by guests Brian Ball and Aaron Bryant for a profound discussion centered on the empowering concept of choosing life through obedience to God's word, as emphasized in Deuteronomy.

Joshua 7-10

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In these passages from Joshua 7 to 10, the Israelites face defeat at Ai due to the sin of Achan, but after dealing with the sin and renewing their commitment to the law, they successfully conquer Ai and other cities, with miraculous interventions such as the sun standing still to aid them in battle. Despite initial deception by the Gibeonites, Joshua leads the Israelites to victory over multiple enemy kings and cities, fulfilling God's command to conquer the Promised Land.

Joshua 3-6

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In Joshua 3-6, the Israelites cross the Jordan, commemorating the event with twelve stones. Following circumcision and the observance of Passover, they conquer Jericho through divine instruction, sparing Rahab and her family. Joshua's fame spreads, and a curse is pronounced upon anyone who rebuilds Jericho.

Joshua 1-2; Psalm 105

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In Joshua 1-2, following Moses's death, Joshua is encouraged by God to lead the Israelites into the promised land, with reassurance of divine presence and success. Meanwhile, spies sent by Joshua scout Jericho, encountering Rahab, who protects them and seeks assurance of safety for her family. Additionally, Psalm 105 recounts God's faithfulness to his people throughout history, highlighting his covenant promises and miraculous deeds.

Deuteronomy 31-34

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In Deuteronomy 31-34, Moses, at the age of 120, acknowledged he could no longer lead Israel and passed the mantle to Joshua, encouraging him to be strong and courageous as they prepared to enter the promised land. Despite his impending death, Moses blessed each tribe of Israel and ascended Mount Nebo, where God showed him the land but declared he would not enter, and there Moses died, mourned by the Israelites for thirty days, leaving Joshua to lead the people into their inheritance.

Deuteronomy 28-30

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Deuteronomy 28-30 outlines blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience to God's commands. It emphasizes the importance of keeping the covenant with God, warns of the consequences of turning away from Him, and encourages returning to the Lord with all one's heart for restoration and blessings.