Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 50, Luke 3, Job 16-17, 1 Corinthians 4
Genesis 50: Joseph buries Jacob in Canaan, reassures his fearful brothers of God's good plan, and later makes them swear to carry his bones out of Egypt when God fulfills His promise.
Luke 3: John the Baptist preaches repentance, baptizes Jesus, and declares the coming of one greater than himself; Jesus' genealogy is traced back to Adam.
Job 16-17: Job laments his suffering, rebukes his friends' empty words, and longs for an advocate in heaven while expressing deep despair.
1 Corinthians 4: Paul warns against arrogance, highlights the apostles’ suffering for Christ, and calls the Corinthians to humility, faithfulness, and imitation of his example.
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 49, Luke 2, Job 15, 1 Corinthians 3
Genesis 49: Jacob blesses his sons with prophetic words, gives final burial instructions, and then passes away.
Luke 2: Jesus is born in Bethlehem, announced to shepherds, presented at the temple, and later amazes teachers in Jerusalem.
Job 15: Eliphaz accuses Job of arrogance, warns of the fate of the wicked, and insists that no one is truly righteous.
1 Corinthians 3: Paul urges unity, explains that God gives growth, and warns that believers must build wisely on Christ’s foundation.
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 48, Luke 1:39-80, Job 14, 1 Corinthians 2
Genesis 48: Jacob blesses Joseph’s sons, giving the greater blessing to Ephraim over Manasseh despite Joseph’s objection.
Luke 1:39-80: Mary visits Elizabeth, sings a song of praise, John the Baptist is born, and Zechariah prophesies about God's salvation.
Job 14: Job laments the brevity of life, wrestles with the finality of death, and longs for God’s mercy amid his suffering.
1 Corinthians 2: Paul proclaims Christ crucified, emphasizing God's wisdom revealed through the Spirit rather than human understanding.
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 47, Luke 1:1‐38, Job 13, 1 Corinthians 1
Genesis 47: Joseph settles his family in Goshen, manages Egypt’s famine crisis, and promises to bury Jacob in Canaan.
Luke 1:1-38: Gabriel announces the births of John the Baptist and Jesus, revealing God’s plan through Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary.
Job 13: Job insists on defending himself before God, rejecting his friends' counsel and expressing hope despite his suffering.
1 Corinthians 1: Paul urges unity in the church, contrasts worldly wisdom with God’s power, and calls believers to boast only in Christ.
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 46, Mark 16, Job 12, Romans 16
Genesis 46: Jacob moves to Egypt with his family after God reassures him, and he is reunited with Joseph in Goshen.
Mark 16: Jesus rises from the dead, appears to His followers, commissions them to preach the gospel, and ascends to heaven.
Job 12: Job challenges his friends’ wisdom, declaring that true understanding and power belong to God alone.
Romans 16: Paul greets many believers by name, warns against division, and closes with praise to God for the gospel.
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 45, Mark 15, Job 11, Romans 15
Genesis 45: Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers, assures them of God’s plan, and invites his family to live in Egypt.
Mark 15: Jesus is condemned by Pilate, crucified alongside criminals, dies on the cross, and is buried by Joseph of Arimathea.
Job 11: Zophar rebukes Job, insisting that God’s wisdom is beyond understanding and urging him to repent for restoration.
Romans 15: Paul encourages unity among believers, highlights his mission to the Gentiles, and shares his travel plans to visit Rome.
Published by bboydComments Off on The Legacy of Prayer at Brentwood Baptist
In this episode of the Sermon Notes podcast, host Jay Strother sits down with guests Gayle Haywood and Janet Waters to explore the profound impact of prayer in the life of Brentwood Baptist Church during their 40 days of prayer emphasis.
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 44, Mark 14, Job 10, Romans 14
Genesis 44: Joseph tests his brothers by planting his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack, leading Judah to offer himself in Benjamin’s place.
Mark 14: Jesus is anointed in Bethany, shares the Last Supper, prays in Gethsemane, is betrayed by Judas, and is denied by Peter.
Job 10: Job laments his suffering, questions God’s justice, and longs for relief from his pain and sorrow.
Romans 14: Paul urges believers to avoid judging one another and to live in love, prioritizing peace and unity over personal freedom.
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 43, Mark 13, Job 9, Romans 13
Genesis 43: Jacob sends his sons back to Egypt with Benjamin, gifts, and double the silver, hoping for mercy from Joseph.
Mark 13: Jesus warns of coming tribulations, false messiahs, and the need for vigilance before His return in glory.
Job 9: Job acknowledges God’s unmatched power and justice, lamenting his inability to contend with Him or find a mediator.
Romans 13: Paul urges believers to submit to authorities, love others as the fulfillment of the law, and live in readiness for Christ.
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 42, Mark 12, Job 8, Romans 12
Genesis 42: Joseph’s brothers travel to Egypt for grain, unknowingly bow before him, and return home with full sacks and deep fear.
Mark 12: Jesus teaches through parables, answers questions about taxes and resurrection, highlights the greatest commandments, and commends a widow’s offering.
Job 8: Bildad insists that Job’s suffering is due to sin and urges him to seek God for restoration.
Romans 12: Paul calls believers to be living sacrifices, use their gifts for the body of Christ, and overcome evil with good.
Published by bboydComments Off on Day 40 | Faith in Action
Matthew 25:40 reminds us that serving others is a reflection of Christ's love. Pray for Siloam Health as they provide holistic care to neighbors from all nations, and for Mission Eurasia as they train young leaders to share the gospel across challenging regions. Ask God to strengthen your heart for service and create ripples of His hope through your actions.
Published by bboydComments Off on Genesis 41, Mark 11, Job 7, Romans 11
Genesis 41: Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams, is made second-in-command over Egypt, and wisely stores grain before a severe famine strikes.
Mark 11: Jesus enters Jerusalem triumphantly, cleanses the temple, curses a barren fig tree, and teaches about faith and authority.
Job 7: Job laments his suffering, questions God’s attention to humanity, and longs for relief before his death.
Romans 11: Paul explains that Israel’s rejection is not final, warns Gentiles against arrogance, and praises God’s sovereign plan of salvation.