Posts by bboyd

Matthew 4:23-25; 8:14-17; Mark 1:21-39; Luke 4:31-44

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Jesus commenced His ministry across Galilee, teaching, preaching the gospel, and healing all ailments, which led to widespread acclaim and following from diverse regions. In Capernaum, His authoritative teaching in synagogues and miraculous healings, including casting out demons and curing diseases, astonished and attracted large crowds, affirming His divine authority and fulfilling prophecies.

The Whole Family, The Whole Bible, The Whole Year

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The Whole Family, The Whole Bible, The Whole Year A year ago, Jonathan and Lacey felt led to visit Brentwood Baptist, where they attended a...

Matthew 4:1-22; Mark 1:12-20; Luke 4:1-30; 5:1-11; John 1:35-2:12; Matthew 13:54-58; Mark 6:1-6; Luke 4:16-30

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Jesus, led by the Spirit into the wilderness, withstands the devil's temptations by affirming His reliance on God's word, after which He begins His ministry in Galilee, calling His first disciples with the promise of transforming them into fishers of people. His teachings and miraculous signs rapidly spread His fame, though He faces rejection in His hometown, Nazareth, where the locals doubt His authority and prophetic status.

Matthew 3; Mark 1:1-11; Luke 3; John 1:15-34

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John the Baptist is a pivotal figure in each the Gospels, calling for repentance and baptizing in the wilderness, prophesying the coming of one greater than himself who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. Jesus is baptized by John, marking the beginning of his ministry, accompanied by the opening of the heavens as God proclaims Jesus His beloved Son.

Matthew 2; Luke 2:39-52

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In Matthew 2, the wise men visit Jesus, bringing gifts and inadvertently alerting King Herod to His birth, prompting the holy family's escape to Egypt and fulfilling prophecies about the Messiah. Luke 2:39-52 details Jesus' childhood, highlighting his wisdom and divine awareness during a Passover visit to Jerusalem.

Matthew 1; Luke 1:1-2:38

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Matthew 1 outlines the genealogy of Jesus Christ, linking Him to David and Abraham, and describes His miraculous birth to Mary, a virgin, fulfilling ancient prophecies. Luke 1:1-2:38 details the angelic announcements of the births of John the Baptist and Jesus, their subsequent births, and the early recognitions of Jesus' messianic role through prophetic declarations and acts of worship.

International Church Planting Stories

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Our church has been blessed with the opportunity to support global workers who are engaged in church planting efforts around the world. These disciples are...

Understanding Hostility from Esau and Jacob to Herod and the Messiah

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In this episode of Sermon Notes, guests Jay Strother and Brian Ball delve into the historical context of hostility from biblical times, particularly between the descendants of Esau and Jacob, and how genealogy played a pivotal role in post-exilic Judaism.

Psalm 106; John 1:4-14

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Psalm 106 recounts the repeated failures and rebellions of the Israelites against God's commands, despite His enduring love and miraculous deeds throughout their history. John 1:4-14 describes Jesus as the life-giving light that overcomes darkness, revealing God’s grace and truth to the world through His incarnation.

Nehemiah 11-13; Psalm 126

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In Nehemiah 11-13, Jerusalem's population is bolstered by lot, drawing one in ten Israelites to dwell in the holy city, while leaders and priests oversee its spiritual and physical reconstruction; Nehemiah implements reforms to uphold the sanctity of the Sabbath and the purity of the priesthood, ensuring Jerusalem remains faithful under renewed covenant obligations. Psalm 126 reflects the Israelites' joyous return from exile, symbolizing their hope and renewal as God restores their fortunes, turning weeping into joyous celebration.

Nehemiah 8-10

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In Nehemiah 8-10, Ezra reads the Law to the people who gather attentively in Jerusalem, leading to a revival of understanding and a celebration of the Festival of Shelters not seen since the days of Joshua. In response to their renewed covenant, the Israelites confess their sins and make vows to strictly observe God’s laws, emphasizing social justice and religious obligations in their community restoration efforts.

Nehemiah 5-7

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In Nehemiah 5-7, Nehemiah confronts the social injustices and usury among the Jews in Jerusalem, reforming the community's economic practices and refusing the governor's allowance to alleviate the people's burdens. After completing the wall despite opposition and threats, Nehemiah organizes a genealogical registration, leading to a public reaffirmation of the law and reestablishment of communal commitments.