Published by bboydComments Off on Exodus 19, Luke 22, Job 37, 2 Corinthians 7
Exodus 19: God calls Israel to be His holy nation, descends on Mount Sinai in fire and thunder, and warns them to stay back.
Luke 22: Jesus shares the Passover meal, prays in Gethsemane, is betrayed by Judas, denied by Peter, and put on trial.
Job 37: Elihu declares God’s power over nature, urging Job to consider His majesty and justice.
2 Corinthians 7: Paul rejoices in the Corinthians’ repentance, praising godly sorrow that leads to true change and salvation.
Published by bboydComments Off on Exodus 18, Luke 21, Job 36, 2 Corinthians 6
Exodus 18: Jethro visits Moses, praises God’s deliverance, and advises him to appoint leaders to share the burden of judging the people.
Luke 21: Jesus commends a widow’s offering, predicts the temple’s destruction, warns of end-time signs, and calls for watchful endurance.
Job 36: Elihu proclaims God’s justice, urges repentance, warns against arrogance, and declares God’s power over creation.
2 Corinthians 6: Paul urges believers to endure hardship, remain pure in ministry, separate from unbelievers, and live as God’s holy people.
Published by bboydComments Off on Exodus 17, Luke 20, Job 35, 2 Corinthians 5
Exodus 17: God provides water from a rock for the complaining Israelites, and Joshua defeats Amalek as Moses' upheld hands ensure victory.
Luke 20: Jesus silences the religious leaders' challenges, teaches about taxes and resurrection, and warns against the prideful scribes.
Job 35: Elihu rebukes Job, insisting that human righteousness or sin does not affect God but that pride hinders true cries for help.
2 Corinthians 5: Paul declares that believers have an eternal home, are made new in Christ, and are called to be ambassadors of reconciliation.
Published by bboydComments Off on Exodus 16, Luke 19, Job 34, 2 Corinthians 4
Exodus 16: The Israelites complain about hunger, longing for Egypt. God provides quail in the evening and manna each morning, instructing them to gather only what they need daily. On the sixth day, they collect double for the Sabbath. Some disobey, but God reinforces the importance of rest. Manna continues for forty years until they reach Canaan.
Luke 19: Zacchaeus, a tax collector, joyfully welcomes Jesus and repents, leading to his salvation. Jesus tells the parable of the minas, emphasizing faithfulness. He enters Jerusalem to praise, weeps over its future destruction, and clears the temple, denouncing corruption.
Job 34: Elihu argues that God is just, punishing the wicked and upholding righteousness. He criticizes Job for questioning God's justice, insisting that God sees all and governs wisely.
2 Corinthians 4: Paul reminds believers that their ministry comes from God's mercy. Though they suffer, they carry the light of Christ in fragile human bodies, trusting that their hardships are temporary and preparing them for eternal glory.
Published by bboydComments Off on Colossians 1:15–23: Christology and Paul’s Declaration of Jesus’ Ultimate Authority
In this episode of Sermon Notes, host Jay Strother, along with guests Aaron Bryant and Brian Ball, deepens the exploration of the book of Colossians, focusing on Paul's profound declarations of Christ’s supremacy detailed in Colossians 1:15–23. The discussion highlights the sufficiency of Christ for every spiritual need, touching on the transformational power of understanding Jesus as both fully divine and fully human.
Published by bboydComments Off on Exodus 15, Luke 18, Job 33, 2 Corinthians 3
Exodus 15: After crossing the Red Sea, Israel praises God for His victory over Egypt. Miriam leads the women in song and dance. Later, they complain about bitter water at Marah, but God provides fresh water and reminds them to trust in Him.
Luke 18: Jesus teaches on persistence in prayer, humility before God, and the cost of discipleship. He heals a blind man, foretells His death, and challenges the rich young ruler to give up his wealth for the kingdom.
Job 33: Elihu argues that God speaks through suffering and dreams to guide people away from sin. He insists Job should listen because God is just and merciful.
2 Corinthians 3: Paul contrasts the old covenant, which brought condemnation, with the new covenant of the Spirit, which brings righteousness and freedom. Believers are being transformed into the image of Christ.
Published by bboydComments Off on Exodus 14, Luke 17, Job 32, 2 Corinthians 2
Exodus 14: God parts the Red Sea, allowing Israel to cross on dry ground, then brings the waters back upon Pharaoh’s pursuing army, demonstrating His power and securing Israel’s deliverance.
Luke 17: Jesus teaches about faith, forgiveness, gratitude, and the coming of the kingdom of God, urging readiness for His return.
Job 32: Elihu, a younger man, speaks up, criticizing both Job and his three friends for their failure to provide wisdom in their arguments.
2 Corinthians 2: Paul urges the church to forgive a repentant sinner, explains his change of travel plans, and describes his ministry as spreading the aroma of Christ to both those being saved and those perishing.
Published by bboydComments Off on Exodus 13, Luke 16, Job 31, 2 Corinthians 1
Exodus 13: God commands Israel to consecrate their firstborn and observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread, leading them through the wilderness with a pillar of cloud and fire.
Luke 16: Jesus teaches on faithful stewardship, warning that one cannot serve both God and money, and shares the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
Job 31: Job declares his innocence, listing the ways he has lived righteously, and ends his speech by calling on God to judge him fairly.
2 Corinthians 1: Paul praises God as the source of all comfort, shares his hardships, and reassures the Corinthians of his sincerity in ministry and future plans.
Published by bboydComments Off on Exodus 12, Luke 15, Job 30, 1 Corinthians 16
Exodus 12: God institutes the Passover, delivering Israel from Egypt as they begin their journey to freedom.
Luke 15: Jesus tells three parables—the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son—to illustrate God's joy over repentant sinners.
Job 30: Job laments his suffering, contrasting his former honor with his present humiliation and pain.
1 Corinthians 16: Paul gives final instructions, urging generosity, perseverance, and love in the church.
Published by bboydComments Off on Exodus 11, Luke 14, Job 29, 1 Corinthians 15
Exodus 11: God warns of the final plague—the death of Egypt’s firstborn—while preserving Israel.
Luke 14: Jesus teaches about humility, the inclusive kingdom, and the cost of discipleship.
Job 29: Job longs for the days when God’s favor and honor were upon him.
1 Corinthians 15: Paul proclaims the resurrection of Christ as the foundation of faith and hope.
Published by bboydComments Off on Exodus 10, Luke 13, Job 28, 1 Corinthians 14
Exodus 10: God sends locusts and darkness over Egypt, but Pharaoh’s heart remains hardened.
Luke 13: Jesus calls for repentance, heals a woman on the Sabbath, and teaches about the narrow way.
Job 28: Job reflects on wisdom, declaring it comes from fearing the Lord.
1 Corinthians 14: Paul emphasizes prophecy's value in building the church over speaking in tongues.
Published by bboydComments Off on Exodus 9, Luke 12, Job 27,1 Corinthians 13
Exodus 9: God sends plagues of livestock death, boils, and hail, but Pharaoh continues to harden his heart.
Luke 12: Jesus teaches on hypocrisy, anxiety, and being prepared for his return, urging trust in God’s care.
Job 27: Job maintains his integrity and reflects on the fate of the wicked.
1 Corinthians 13: Paul describes love as the greatest gift, essential for all actions and relationships.