Posts by bboyd

Genesis 16, Matthew 15, Nehemiah 5, Acts 15

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Genesis 16: Sarai, unable to bear children, gives her slave Hagar to Abram to conceive an heir. Hagar becomes pregnant, leading to conflict with Sarai, and eventually runs away. An angel instructs Hagar to return and prophesies the birth of her son, Ishmael. Matthew 15: Jesus criticizes the Pharisees for valuing tradition over God's commandments and teaches that purity comes from the heart. He also heals the daughter of a Canaanite woman because of her great faith and feeds 4,000 people with seven loaves and a few fish. Nehemiah 5: Nehemiah confronts the wealthy Jews exploiting the poor during a famine by lending money at high interest rates. He calls for justice and the cancellation of debts, which the people agree to, and continues to lead the wall's rebuilding. Acts 15: The Jerusalem Council addresses whether Gentile converts must observe Jewish law. It concludes that Gentiles should abstain from idolatry and immorality but need not adhere to all Jewish customs.

Day 15 | Disciples Making Disciples

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2 Timothy 2:1-7 calls us to rely on God's grace for strength and endurance in making disciples who multiply Christ’s love. This devotion encourages us to live out the gospel authentically in words and actions. Pray for Whitsitt Elementary as they serve a diverse community in Woodbine and for David and Laura in Edinburgh as they equip believers and lead outreach efforts across Europe.

When Prayer Moves Mountains: Inspirational Stories from Brentwood Baptist Church

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In this episode of Sermon Notes, host Jay Strother delves into the profound role of prayer in personal and community life with guests Joe Hudson and Brian Ball, focusing predominantly on the prayer efforts for Brentwood Baptist Church and the divine answers received.

Genesis 15, Matthew 14, Nehemiah 4, Acts 14

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Genesis 15: God promises Abram descendants as numerous as the stars and enters into a covenant with him, ensuring his descendants the land from Egypt to the Euphrates. Matthew 14: Herod beheads John the Baptist. Jesus feeds 5,000 with five loaves and two fish, walks on water, and heals many who touch his robe in Gennesaret. Nehemiah 4: Despite opposition and mockery, the Jews continue rebuilding Jerusalem's walls. They work with weapons at hand due to threats from surrounding enemies. Acts 14: In Iconium, Paul and Barnabas face opposition but perform miracles, including healing a lame man in Lystra, which leads locals to mistake them for gods. After being stoned, Paul survives and continues preaching and establishing churches.

Day 14 | What Makes a Church Healthy?

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Acts 2:41-47 highlights the early church's devotion to God’s Word, genuine community, and vibrant worship as markers of true health. This devotion challenges us to prioritize these principles in building faithful churches. Pray for the International Leadership Coalition as they train servant leaders in Tennessee and for Kelly and Janice in Germany as they plant churches and create discipleship resources while navigating health challenges.

Genesis 14, Matthew 13, Nehemiah 3, Acts 13

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Genesis 14: Abram rescues Lot after Sodom and Gomorrah are defeated in battle. Melchizedek, king of Salem, blesses Abram, who gives him a tenth of everything. Matthew 13: Jesus teaches in parables, including the Parable of the Sower and the Parable of the Weeds, to explain the kingdom of heaven and the varied reception of His message. Nehemiah 3: The rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls begins with various groups repairing different sections, showing a communal effort to restore the city despite opposition. Acts 13: Paul and Barnabas are sent by the Holy Spirit to preach. They face opposition but also see great acceptance of their message, particularly among the Gentiles, fulfilling God's promise of salvation to the ends of the earth.

Day 13 | Through Love, Serve One Another

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1 Peter 4:8-11 calls us to serve others selflessly, modeling Christ’s compassionate and generous heart. This devotion encourages us to meet the needs of our communities joyfully, reflecting God’s love in action. Pray for GraceWorks Ministries as they expand their efforts to combat poverty in Williamson County and for Send Relief as they bring hope and gospel-centered support to those facing disaster worldwide.

Genesis 13, Matthew 12, Nehemiah 2, Acts 12

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Genesis 13: Abram and Lot separate due to their vast wealth causing strife among their herdsmen. Lot chooses the fertile Jordan plain, while Abram remains in Canaan, where God reiterates His promise of land and descendants. Matthew 12: Jesus addresses controversies over Sabbath observance, heals a man with a shriveled hand, and discusses the kingdom of God. He criticizes the Pharisees' unbelief and stresses the importance of true kinship in doing God's will. Nehemiah 2: Nehemiah gains the king's permission to rebuild Jerusalem's walls. Despite opposition, he inspires the Jews to commence rebuilding, asserting their right to the city backed by divine support. Acts 12: James is martyred, and Peter is imprisoned but miraculously escapes with an angel's help. Herod fails to find Peter, speaks arrogantly to the people of Tyre and Sidon, and is struck down by an angel for not giving glory to God.

Day 12 | Multiplying Ministry

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Ephesians 3:14-20 reminds us that the power of the Holy Spirit equips us to share the gospel, even in daunting tasks like reaching millions. This devotion encourages us to trust in God’s strength as we engage in His mission. Pray for Arabic Community Fellowship in Smyrna as they reach Arabic-speaking individuals with Christ’s love and for the Kurmi people of India to encounter Jesus and ignite a discipleship movement among their communities.

Genesis 12, Matthew 11, Nehemiah 1, Acts 11

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Genesis 12: God calls Abram to move to a new land, promising to make him a great nation; Abram travels to Canaan, builds altars, and experiences a famine, leading him to Egypt where his wife Sarai is taken by Pharaoh, only to be returned after divine intervention. Matthew 11: Jesus commends John the Baptist and critiques the unresponsiveness of the current generation to His works; He invites the weary to find rest in Him, emphasizing His role as a teacher and savior. Nehemiah 1: Nehemiah learns of Jerusalem's dire state and prays to God, confessing Israel's sins and asking for success in his mission as cupbearer to the king, setting the stage for his journey to rebuild the city. Acts 11: Peter defends his association with Gentiles, recounting his vision that led to the baptism of Cornelius’s household, marking the Holy Spirit's acceptance of Gentiles and the subsequent spread of the Gospel in Antioch.

Day 11 | Beyond: Praying for the Nations

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Romans 10:14-15 reminds us of our responsibility to share the gospel with those who have never heard. This devotion challenges us to step beyond our comfort zones to reach the nations with God’s love. Pray for Redemption Haitian Fellowship in La Vergne as they grow their community in faith and for Brandon and Daphne in South Africa as they serve with Living Hope, sharing Jesus’ love and empowering lives.

Genesis 11, Matthew 10, Ezra 10, Acts 10

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Genesis 11: Humans build a tower to the sky in Babylon, prompting God to confuse their language and scatter them. Matthew 10: Jesus empowers the twelve apostles to heal and preach, warns of persecution, and emphasizes reliance on God. Ezra 10: Ezra leads a renewal of commitment to the Law by ending unlawful intermarriages among the people. Acts 10: Cornelius's and Peter's visions lead to the realization that the Gospel is for all, culminating in the baptism of Gentiles.