Posts by bboyd

Matthew 15; Mark 7:1-8:10

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Jesus challenges the Pharisees' adherence to tradition over divine commandments, emphasizing that true defilement is a matter of the heart, not external rituals. Demonstrating compassion and divine authority, he heals a Canaanite woman's daughter and miraculously feeds thousands, highlighting his teachings on faith and purity.

Matthew 10; 14; Mark 6:7-56; Luke 9:1-17; John 6

Published by Comments Off on Matthew 10; 14; Mark 6:7-56; Luke 9:1-17; John 6

Jesus comissions the twelve apostles, sending them to heal and preach, emphasizing reliance on God over material provision. They face both acceptance and persecution, highlighting the cost of discipleship and the deep divisions the gospel brings among people.

Matthew 8:18-34; 9:18-38; Mark 4:35-5:43; Luke 8:22-56; 9:57-62

Published by Comments Off on Matthew 8:18-34; 9:18-38; Mark 4:35-5:43; Luke 8:22-56; 9:57-62

Jesus teaches about the costs of discipleship and performs miracles to demonstrate His authority over nature and the supernatural. He highlights the challenges of following Him, exemplifies His power over storms and demons, and performs compassionate acts of healing, emphasizing faith and obedience.

Matthew 13:1-53; Mark 4:1-34; Luke 8:1-18

Published by Comments Off on Matthew 13:1-53; Mark 4:1-34; Luke 8:1-18

Jesus teaches the Parable of the Sower by the sea to a large crowd, explaining the different responses people have to God's word, ranging from immediate rejection to fruitful acceptance. He uses parables to reveal the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven to those ready to hear, while also fulfilling prophecy by keeping these truths hidden from others.

Matthew 12:22-50; Mark 3:22-35; Luke 8:19-21; 11:14-54

Published by Comments Off on Matthew 12:22-50; Mark 3:22-35; Luke 8:19-21; 11:14-54

Jesus heals a demon-possessed man, eliciting amazement from the crowd and accusations from the Pharisees that he operates under demonic influence. He refutes them with a parable about division, emphasizing that true kinship extends to those who follow God’s will, and warns against the eternal consequences of blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 8:5-13; 11:1-30; Luke 7

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In Capernaum, a centurion's profound faith in Jesus' authority impresses Jesus, leading to the miraculous healing of the centurion's servant from a distance. Meanwhile, Jesus commends John the Baptist's role as a prophetic forerunner, critiques the unresponsive generation, and emphasizes the importance of faith and forgiveness through his teachings and interactions, including raising a widow's son and forgiving a sinful woman, demonstrating His compassion and authority.

Bringing Light to Las Vegas: A New Vision for ‘Sin City’

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At our church, we’re passionate about sparking a disciple-making movement in Middle Tennessee and beyond. This year, we’ve had the joy of partnering with families to include their children in this mission. We firmly believe that the gospel is central to our lives, and that “Gospel First and Always” has no age limit (1 Timothy 4:12).

Matthew 5-7; Luke 6:20-49; 11:1-13

Published by Comments Off on Matthew 5-7; Luke 6:20-49; 11:1-13

Jesus delivers the Sermon on the Mount, presenting the Beatitudes which bless humble, merciful, and pure-hearted acts, and further teaches profound moral precepts emphasizing love, forgiveness, and sincerity. He instructs on prayer, charity, and the essence of discipleship through practical metaphors, urging a life built on faithfulness and obedience to God's will.

Generations on Mission: How Families Are Impacting Communities Together

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Generations on Mission: How Families Are Impacting Communities Together At our church, we’re passionate about sparking a disciple-making movement in Middle Tennessee and beyond. This...

Matthew 8:1-4; 9:1-17; 12:1-21; Mark 1:40-3:21; Luke 5:12-6:19

Published by Comments Off on Matthew 8:1-4; 9:1-17; 12:1-21; Mark 1:40-3:21; Luke 5:12-6:19

Jesus performs multiple miraculous healings, emphasizing His authority to forgive sins and cleanse leprosy, eliciting awe and controversy among the witnesses. He confronts religious leaders by healing on the Sabbath and associating with sinners, challenging traditional interpretations of the law and revealing His role as the Son of Man.

Power, Authority, and Service in the Gospel of Mark

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In this episode of Sermon Notes, Jay Strother and Brian Ball delve into the story of Jesus healing the paralytic to highlight the profound significance of Jesus' authority to forgive sins and heal physically, emphasizing the spiritual over the physical.

John 3-5

Published by Comments Off on John 3-5

In John 3-5, Jesus teaches Nicodemus about spiritual rebirth and emphasizes belief in Him for eternal life. Later, He reveals His divine nature through dialogues and miracles, from enlightening a Samaritan woman about living water to healing and teaching openly, which challenges societal norms and religious expectations.