July 2 | Amos’ Visions
Today’s Reading: Read Amos 6:14; 7:1-9; 8:1-3a, 11-12; 9:8-15 Ask each member of your family to think about a dream they have had recently. Draw...
Read ArticleToday’s Reading: Read Amos 6:14; 7:1-9; 8:1-3a, 11-12; 9:8-15 Ask each member of your family to think about a dream they have had recently. Draw...
Read ArticleIn Amos 6-9, Amos condemns the complacency and injustice of Israel and its neighbors, predicting severe divine judgments through vivid visions. Despite the looming punishment, he also foretells a hopeful restoration for a faithful remnant, reaffirming God's mercy alongside justice.
Read Devotional“Some of you have the calling of teaching. You do not have the opportunity because you are not ready. You don’t have to be the...
Read Article“We share Jesus. We really share the gospel anytime, anyway,” says Pastor Corey Howes of Connection Hill Primitive Baptist Church. “We’re so thankful and grateful...
Read ArticleIn Amos 1-5, Amos delivers a series of prophecies against Israel and its neighboring nations, condemning them for various injustices and transgressions, and warning of severe divine punishments. He emphasizes that God's judgment is inevitable for those who persist in their wrongdoing, illustrating a divine call for repentance and justice.
Read DevotionalToday’s Reading: Read Amos 1:1-13; Amos 2:1,4,6,10-11;3:1-2;10-11;4:12-13; 5:14-15,27 Grab a piece of construction paper and roll it up diagonally to make a megaphone. Have each...
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