Church Multiplication Update – Grove Hill

Why Are People Moving To Middle Tennessee?

Middle Tennessee is one of the top sought-after destinations. People are moving here from every state, every nation, and every tribe. They’re coming here so they can have economic success. They’re moving up here because of education and social structures. But above all, we believe the Spirit of God is bringing them here for spiritual awakening.


What is The Importance of Healthy Congregations?

At Brentwood Baptist Church, you and I can be part of sharing the gospel with people who need it. Our goal is to plant and partner with 100 healthy congregations all over Middle Tennessee, establishing our presence to share the gospel anywhere, anytime, with anybody. That’s what Grove Hill Church is doing–sharing the gospel with their community. So join us as we together move forward to accomplish the vision God has given us to share the gospel with people who live around us.


Where Did Grove Hill Church Originate?

Grove Hill Church was started almost three years ago this May. It was birthed out of The Station Hill campus. Jay Strother had always said that part of his vision for his campus was that they would eventually plant a church and send out some people. So, we had a conversation where he asked, “Are you ready to plant a church for us, and I said absolutely. We began to see where that might be, and God kind of redirected that vision to here in Chapel Hill, Tennessee.


Who Is Being Impacted By Grove Hill Church?

What they have discovered is that demographically, Nashville is moving this way and the land is fairly cheap. So it’s like God is bringing people to our doorstep. We have an interesting little mix of people: we’re reaching long-time Chapel Hill natives who maybe have not found a church or have given up. At the same time, we’re reaching new families who are moving to the area. We’ve seen new believers, and also just the vision of what a little church in a little town can accomplish and the impact we can have. The overall desire is that this church be an asset to this community.


How Can I Continue To Help?

Brentwood has been such a fantastic partner from day one, and we’ve been very blessed to have them. I think one of the biggest things that they do is just prayerfully support us. I would encourage Brentwood Baptist to continue to be this kind of church, because it’s really making a difference. People you will never meet are hearing the gospel because of your willingness to come to Brentwood, to pray for other churches, and to continue to give towards the efforts of what’s going on.