Daily Devotional
March 1, 2024

Numbers 21-24

In Numbers 21-24, Israel defeats various enemies with God's help, including the Canaanites, Amorites, and Moabites. Additionally, Balaam, hired by Balak to curse Israel, instead blesses them multiple times as directed by God, demonstrating God's protection over his people (Numbers 21:1-24:25).

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February 29 | Moses Disobeys

Today’s Reading: Read Numbers 13:1; 13:17-20; Numbers 14:6-9; Numbers 14:20-24 Have you ever been really thirsty?  Try eating a couple of crackers but don’t drink...

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Daily Devotional
February 29, 2024

Numbers 17-20

Numbers 17-20 describes God confirming Aaron's priesthood through Aaron's staff miraculously blossoming, ordaining the duties and provision for the priests and Levites, outlining purification processes, the people complaining about lack of water and God providing from a rock, Edom denying passage to Israel, and Aaron's death; despite God's continued signs and provision, the Israelites rebelled against Moses' leadership and failed to trust God to fulfill His promises.

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Daily Devotional
February 27, 2024

Numbers 10-13; Psalm 90

Numbers 10-13 covers the Israelites' journey from Sinai towards Canaan, including instructions for trumpets, complaints and provision of quail and plague, challenge by Miriam and Aaron, appointment of 70 elders, and the scouting report on Canaan's land and people; Psalm 90 is Moses' prayer reflecting on God's eternity versus human frailty, asking for compassion and favor, and to establish their work.

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Daily Devotional
February 26, 2024

Numbers 6-9

Numbers 6-9 covers God's laws about consecration through the Nazirite vow, offerings by the tribes' leaders, purifying the Levites, properly observing Passover, and following the cloud's movements; the passages provide regulations to shape Israel's worship, purity, festivals, and traveling from Sinai towards Canaan.

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