Daily Devotional
March 7, 2024

Deuteronomy 4-7

In Deuteronomy 4-7, Moses instructs the Israelites to obey God's statutes and ordinances, emphasizing the importance of worshiping the true God and avoiding idolatry, while reminding them of God's covenant and their responsibilities. He also warns against intermarriage with idolatrous nations and encourages the Israelites to trust in God's promises as they prepare to enter the land He has given them.

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Daily Devotional
March 6, 2024

Deuteronomy 1-3

Deuteronomy 1-3 details the Israelites' journey from Horeb to Kadesh-barnea, their disobedience at Kadesh-barnea, and their subsequent victories over King Sihon of the Amorites and King Og of Bashan, leading to the allocation of land to the Transjordan tribes and the transfer of leadership to Joshua, while Moses is forbidden from entering the promised land.

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Daily Devotional
March 5, 2024

Numbers 33-36

In Numbers 33-36, Moses outlines the Israelites' journey from Egypt to the plains of Moab and establishes the boundaries of the promised land. God commands the distribution of land among the tribes, appoints cities of refuge, and addresses inheritance rights for Zelophehad's daughters.

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Daily Devotional
March 4, 2024

Numbers 29-32

In Numbers 29-32, regulations for sacred assemblies and offerings during festivals, the protocol for vows made by individuals, and the account of the Israelites' war with the Midianites, including the capture of their possessions and the division of spoils, are detailed. Additionally, the Reubenites and Gadites request to settle in lands east of the Jordan River, prompting Moses to negotiate terms for their involvement in battles to secure Canaan.

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Daily Devotional
March 2, 2024

Numbers 25-28

In Numbers 25-29, Israel's worship of Baal leads to divine punishment, Phinehas intervenes to stop a plague, a second census of the Israelites is taken, Zelophehad's daughters' inheritance is resolved, Joshua is commissioned to succeed Moses, and various offerings are prescribed for daily, Sabbath, monthly, Passover, and Festival of Weeks.

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March 1 | Snakes!

Today’s Reading: Read Numbers 21:4-8 Today before you begin reading, you are going to take your family on an adventure.  Pick one person to be...

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