Daily Devotional
November 9, 2024

Acts 5-8

In Acts 5-8, the early church experiences both internal challenges, such as the deceit of Ananias and Sapphira, and external pressures, including the miraculous release of the apostles from prison and Stephen's martyrdom, which intensifies the persecution leading to the gospel's spread beyond Jerusalem. Miraculous healings, conversions, and the empowerment of believers by the Holy Spirit underscore the growth and resilience of the Christian community despite opposition.

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Daily Devotional
November 8, 2024

Acts 1-4; Psalm 110

In Acts 1-4, Jesus ascends and the Holy Spirit descends at Pentecost, empowering the apostles to perform miracles and preach boldly, rapidly expanding the early church. Psalm 110 prophesies the Messiah as a priestly king, underlining Jesus' divine authority and eternal priesthood.

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Daily Devotional
November 5, 2024

Matthew 27:1-31; Mark 15:1-20; Luke 23:1-25; John 18:28-19:16

In the early morning, Jesus is handed over to Pilate by the Jewish leaders, leading to a series of political and moral trials where Pilate finds no fault in Him, but under pressure from the crowd, opts to release Barabbas and condemn Jesus to crucifixion. Meanwhile, Judas, overwhelmed by remorse for betraying Jesus, returns the silver and takes his own life, and the money is used to buy a potter's field, fulfilling prophecy.

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