Anytime, Anywhere, with Anybody: Partnering with Connection Hill Primitive Baptist Church to Share the Gospel

“We share Jesus. We really share the gospel anytime, anyway,” says Pastor Corey Howes of Connection Hill Primitive Baptist Church. “We’re so thankful and grateful because Brentwood offers us strategy, friendship, brotherhood, (and) fellowship.”

The driving mission of our church is to engage the whole person with the whole gospel of Jesus Christ anywhere, anytime, with anybody. Central to fulfilling this vision is partnering with congregations who share this passion for disciple-making and church multiplication. Through this initiative, we have had the opportunity to partner with Connection Hill Primitive Baptist Church.

This partnership is a collaborative fellowship; The Church at Station Hill has joined together with Connection Hill for times of united prayer, gathering to intercede as one body.  Pastor Corey hosts a joint Bible Study every Sunday night where members of both church families join together to study the Word. This is such a great picture of the biblical prayer of Jesus in John 17 – that His church would be one, just as He and the Father are one.

We are also thankful that Pastor Corey has joined our residency program, which has allowed him to get wisdom and leadership training. “God has given us this opportunity to share what we’ve learned with churches like yours. And that’s why you’re part of the residency program,” notes Pastor Jay Strother.

Not only are we able to work together with Connection Hill for the sake of the gospel, we have the honor of lifting their congregation up in prayer. “Pray for increase in discipleship development because I think that’s key in the church,” requests Pastor Corey.

The partnership between Station Hill and Connection Hill is a beautiful picture of the unity Christ desires for His church. We are so grateful to be part of the great work that the Lord is doing in Middle Tennessee.