A New Building and Partnership for Avenue South

Aaron Bryant

There’s a new building and partnership for our Avenue South campus. Pastor Aaron Bryan shares his heart on this monumental moment in the life of our church.

Our History

Nearly eight years ago, we prayed for a physical location to engage the community in the Melrose area. Despite being told we wouldn’t find or afford any property, we kept praying. While we worked diligently to explore every possible opportunity, we didn’t want to get ahead of the Lord by manufacturing our own plans and then asking Him to “approve” what we might accomplish.

In Luke chapter 10, when Jesus sends out the disciples into the mission field, He tells them to look for persons of peace. This meant that Jesus was already working in the community, before the disciples even got there, to provide persons who were ready to partner with them for the sake of the gospel. This Scripture came to fruition through our current facility at 2510 8th Avenue South. It was owned by the son of a pastor, and he was willing to lease the space to us so that our congregation could meet and grow.

A New Beginning

Nearly seven years later, we’ve seen God be faithful to His Word again. Mt. Gilead Baptist Church has been preparing to sell their property for several years. By God’s grace, He led them to partner with us during this transition so that the gospel presence would continue to flourish in the community from 901 Acklen Avenue.

We had the honor of joining this precious congregation for their final worship service in the building. We expressed our gratitude to God for His faithfulness and to the membership of Mt. Gilead for partnering with us for the sake of the gospel. It was one of the most meaningful moments of my ministry and life. We are grateful the new building and partnership for our Avenue South campus.

For building updates and information on the Pursue capital campaign, visit PursueTN.com.