3 Constant Truths for A Constantly Changing World

Sarah Caskey

Whether on a grand scale or just within the pieces of our own personal lives, we have all felt the effects of change. But even in the midst of isolation, grief, lack of control, or fear of the unknown, there are constants to cling to amidst our storms. So here are 3 constant truths for a constantly changing world.


1. Our God never changes. 

God in His infinite wholeness and goodness continues to remain steadfast. This truth is difficult for us to process in a world where tensions run high and our circumstances seem to waver with the wind. Yet the Scriptures are full of the meditations of God’s people proclaiming His consistency amidst the world’s—and our own—lack thereof. James 1:17 reminds us that He is “the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Our God is sovereignly in control and remains with us while the world seems to spin wildly and uncertainly on. The immutability of God is a truth we can cling to when change is imminent.


2. The changes we experience do not change God’s love. 

Because our God doesn’t change, His affections for His people don’t change, either. This means that our identity and security are eternally linked to the God who has provided salvation for us through Christ. Even though we continually find ourselves amidst chaotic and tumultuous circumstances, His love endures and continues to remain steadfast. Isaiah 43:1 declares God’s heeding and promises to His people. Though life’s fires and floods approach, He reminds them, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are mine.”

To “alter” is to enact a partial change that still preserves someone or something’s initial identity. We can rest in knowing that these experiences will serve to alter us more into the image of the Son. We are being held in the hands of a God who never changes and who has secured our identities as His own, forever unchanged. God’s unchanging character extends unchanging love towards His people. 


3. The change we experience brings refinement. 

One synonym for the word “change” is “refinement.” The Word of God is full of references to Him as a refining fire. 1 Peter 1:7 writes that—in the midst of difficult, change-ridden circumstances—“the proven character of your faith—more valuable than gold which, though perishable, is refined by fire.” We can hold tightly to the truth that the legitimacy of our faith is strengthened as we endure these difficult times of unforeseen upheaval. We can know that the end result is God’s glory as He uses all things for good, never wasting an opportunity for us to draw nearer. 

One the other hand, the opposite of change can be stagnation: to remain unchanged, unaffected, and unresponsive. The Lord’s unwavering hand is at work in the midst of what we can only perceive to be chaos. Yet our stagnation impacts our ability to truly see His faithfulness in our midst. We can trust that He is still orchestrating meaning when the madness is all that we can see.


As we gravitate towards new unknowns, we can remember that our unknowns have already been made known to the Lord. There is no circumstance that He has not already navigated beforehand. His unchanging character extends unchanging love that will result in the changing of our hearts more into the image of His Son. The end result is glory to His name and our hearts drawn nearer. Though we don’t have the answers, we do have an anchor: our God remains unchanged and is beckoning usamidst all our confusion and consternationinto His immense sovereignty to find our rest.