Budget Presentation

Resolution Vote on September 15 & 22

View Sample Ballot

Current Membership Trends

  • 2022 – 12,830
  • 2023 – 12,446
  • 2024 – 12,881

Current Giving Projections

  • 2022 – $26.71M
  • 2023 – $30.66M
  • 2024 – projected $21.0M (Short Year)
  • FY 2025 – projected $31.0M

2025 Spending Plan

The following is a breakdown of the 2025 Budget. Our previous shortened budget year has allowed us to move our fiscal year start date from January 1 to October 1, aligning the fiscal year with our ministry calendar and church’s giving patterns.

Ministry & Operations Breakdown

Missions | $3,144,532


  • Hope for the World mission partners
  • Mobilization of our congregation in local, national, and international projects and mission journeys
  • People group congregations: Chinese Congregation, and Hispanic Ministry
  • Church-starting and renewal initiatives
  • Denominational support: Cooperative Program, Tennessee Baptist Convention, and Nashville Baptist Association
  • Brentwood Baptist missionaries and prospective members who are leaving on the mission field

Adult Groups | $1,102,664

  • Discipleship initiatives including on campus, at home, and reaching our neighbors and the nations
  • Curriculum creation and purchase for groups
  • Training, equipping, and discipling for hundreds of leaders

Next Gen | $1,223,736

  • Discipleship initiatives including on campus, at home, and reaching our neighbors and the nations
  • Age-graded and specialized ministries: preschool, children, students, special needs, Foster & Adoption Ministry, and Deaf Camp
  • Curriculum creation and purchase for all age groups
  • Training, equipping, and discipling for hundreds of leaders

Worship | $760,164

  • Support for multiple weekly worship venues
  • Support for sermon series
  • Training for worship leaders
  • Resources for choir and orchestra

Connection | $1,099,607

  • Care and nurture of congregation and community
  • Prayer Ministry
  • Pastoral Care: counseling, weddings, funerals, baptisms, and support groups
  • Support for Deacons, Nurture Team, Women’s Ministry, Senior Adult Ministry, and Lord’s Supper
  • Benevolence

Pastoral | $279,570

  • Work and ministry of Trustees, Senior Pastor, and Executive Pastors
  • Training and development of church staff

Operations | $2,404,487

  • Facility maintenance, grounds, utilities, housekeeping, and scheduling
  • Food service
  • Resource Center


Central Support Breakdown

Accounting | $1,758,878

  • Information technology for all campuses and staff
  • Business and financial office functions

Communications & Media | $221,243

  • Media and technical support for weekly worship services and hundreds of events throughout the year
  • Video and print for all church ministries
  • Marketing
  • Online and social media strategies

Reserves | $2,677,000

  • Key reserves in maintenance and information technology
  • CapEx Reserve (maintenance and future capital needs)
  • Strategic Reserve
  • MTI Reserve

Personnel | $16,328,119

  • Compensation and benefits for church staff at all campuses

Detailed Budget


Questions about the budget? Contact us at [email protected].

Other Ways to Give


Cash or checks can be placed in the offering plate on Sunday morning, or mailed to the following address:

Brentwood Baptist Church
7777 Concord Rd
Brentwood, TN 37027


Capital gains taxes can be avoided when you donate appreciated stock, and you may receive a tax deduction for the full value of the stock on the date of transfer. To qualify for these tax advantages, you must have owned the stock for at least one year.

Contact us here to learn more.


You can give from our mobile app! Download the latest version of the Brentwood Baptist mobile app for iPhone or Android.


If you are over 70.5 years old, you can give to the church directly from your traditional IRA. These donations count toward your required minimum distribution but are not taxed, potentially lowering your adjusted gross income for tax purposes. Talk about this with your tax advisor and work with your IRA custodian to donate from your IRA.

Contributions will be credited to the calendar year in which they are received and can be mailed to:

Brentwood Baptist Church
7777 Concord Road
Brentwood, TN 37027


Many people have the desire to leave a legacy gift for their church or other favorite charities. Completing a will and estate documents allows you to do that. Get started here.

What We Believe About Giving

Why do we give?

God modeled generosity when He gave the world His Son (John 3:16). In obedience to Christ, we are compelled to become more like Him through our giving. As a result, we grow spiritually and reflect God’s generous nature in the world.

When should we give?

Intentional giving from our financial increase should be our first financial priority (Proverbs 3:9-10, 1 Corinthians 16:12). Many people plan to give by using a recurring online transaction. You can set one up here.

How much should we give?

“Tithing” is giving 10 percent of one’s gross income to the church. We teach cheerful tithing as a minimum standard to which Christians should aspire. If you can’t give 10 percent, we would encourage you to start giving any amount now and make tithing a goal.

The concept of tithing is taught in the Old Testament (Leviticus 27:30, Malachi 3:10). In the New Testament, the standard of giving is the cross of Jesus Christ. Scripture is clear that everything belongs to God, and we are simply stewards (Psalm 24:1). We should give joyfully and generously (II Corinthians 9:7). While free from the legality of percentages, we measure our giving by what Christ gave for us. Our generosity is in response to a debt we can never repay!