The Toungettes | Global Worker Update

Our global workers, Brandon and Daphne Tonguette are faithfully engaging people with the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ in Cape Town, South Africa. Their calling first came to Brandon on April 1, 2023, as a thought about retiring in five to six years for full-time mission work. At the time they didn’t feel like they had firm confirmation that this was something they should do.

Yet, as they sat in the pews of their home church they heard their pastor ask a question that changed the timeline on what they thought the next couple of years would look like in an instant. Brandon recalls, “The pastor was preaching through Acts, and he said, ‘Do you travel light enough so that if the Lord calls you, you’re able to pick up and go?’ … I was like, I think that’s the confirmation.” Indeed, it became crystal clear to them that their timeline for mission work was not a distant dream of five to six years but an immediate calling to be fulfilled within months.

Daphne shared her own revelation during this transformative period: “In Romans 1:17, the end of the verse is, ‘the righteous will live by faith.’ And in that moment, I felt like the Lord was asking me, do you trust me? And there was no maybes or it was a yes or no answer. And so I said, yes, I do trust you.” Their journey thus took a rapid turn, leading them to Cape Town, South Africa, in November 2023, fully embracing their faith and the mission ahead.

On November 21, 2023, the Toungettes landed in Cape Town with 13 suitcases and an unwavering faith. The next morning, they woke to the awe-inspiring beauty of God’s creation. Brandon noted, “The beauty of God’s creation just was on display, full display for us.” Their mission work began at Living Hope, a facility that had evolved from a hospice hospital to a rehab center.

Daphne took on the role of executive assistant for the executive director, while Brandon handled facilities and maintenance to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. Daphne emphasizes, “We both feel that Living Hope is why we’re there. You know, that’s what got us there. But we think a bigger reason for being there is some discipleship.”

Join us in praying for the Toungettes as they carry on their mission in South Africa as they spread hope and faith, impacting lives for the sake of the Gospel.