TNT is a one-year leadership development initiative that equips and encourages leaders for life, ministry, disciple making, and kingdom advancement.

Note: You will need a recommendation from a church leader (i.e. minister, Group leader, Trustee, TNT alumnus), requested at the end of the application.

Next Steps

You can fill out the online application below.

Applications open in April


TNT Online

  • Semi-self-paced, with weekly goals scheduled.
  • Reading assignments, videos and written papers.
  • Social media-style engagement with instructor and fellow students through threaded online discussions.
  • Limited, if any, in-person meetings. Potentially 1-3 events total during the year course.
  • Internet and Teachable platform access is required to participate in TNT Online.

TNT Classroom / Live

  • Meet in person, once a week (typically on the Brentwood campus).
  • Reading assignments and written papers.
  • Live instructor engagement and face-to-face discussion with fellow students.

TNT Next Level Certificate

Two options for Brentwood Baptist TNT Alumni Next Level:

  • Take four courses for credit at a discounted rate through Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
    • This option requires student enrollment at SEBTS. You will receive both a Graduate Certificate Degree from Southeastern and a TNT Next Level Certificate from Brentwood Baptist. For more information on the seminary certificate, view the Graduate Certificates.
  • Audit four courses with fewer required assignments.
    • This option will achieve a TNT Next Level Certificate. Seminary enrollment not required.

Course Schedule

Fall Term | August – December
Winter Term | January – February
Spring Term | March – May